Week 11 Discussion – Wrap-Up and Reflection

It is Week 11 already! You’ve reached the end of this course and you have learned about new digital business models, and creating, and managing social media. Take what you have learned and continue to apply it, both in your MBA courses and in your career.

In your last discussion, reflect on your experience in this course.

Please Respond to the following:

  • Rate the three most important concepts that you learned in this course in order of importance. Provide a rationale for your ratings.
  • Propose two applications of knowledge that you have learned in this course to your current or a future position.

All discussion responses can be video or text submissions, this will offer you an opportunity to practice and improve your communication skills. Refer to the following resource for instructions to submit a response video:

Respond to a Peer

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

  • Read a post by one of your peers and provide a substantive response, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Related: (Solution) BUS543 Week 10 Discussion – The Role of an Innovator

Solution – Week 11 Discussion – Wrap-Up and Reflection

The three most important things I learned are: creating a digital business model, understanding user experience, and learning digital revenue strategies. First, building a digital business model is very important because businesses need to use digital tools and platforms to stay competitive in today’s economy. This helps them adapt to new technologies and stay successful…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the FULL ANSWER at only $5

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