Economic 2122A – Econometrics I Assignment 2

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Question 1

A random sample for five exam scores produced the following data:

Hours Studied (x)Test Grade (y)
  • Compute the correlation coefficient

Question 2

A corporation takes delivery of some new machinery that must be installed and checked before it becomes available to use. The corporation is sure that it will take no more than 7 days for this installation and check to take place. Let be the event “it will be more than 4 days before the machinery becomes available” and be the event “it will be less than 6 days before the machinery becomes available.”

  • Are events and mutually exclusive?
  • Are events and collectively exhaustive?
  • Draw the Venn diagram for  ̅in the sample space   (indicate  ̅by a shaded area).
  • Draw the Venn diagram for  ̅∩  in the sample space   (indicate  ̅∩  by a shaded area).
  • ∪ (  ̅∩   ) = ? (Write down the resulting event.)
  • ∩ (  ̅∩   ) = ? (Write down the resulting event.)

Question 3 (Show the formula you use, not only the final result.)

Suppose you can choose any 4 different digits from the ten digits 0 to 9 to form a password to your account. How many possible passwords can you form?

Question 4 (Show your steps, not only the final results.)

A factory uses two machines, A and B, to produce a certain type of output. Machine A produces 80% of the daily output, and machine B produces 20% of the daily output. 4% of machine A’s output is defective, and 2% of machine B’s output is defective. Suppose an item was found to be defective while you are running a random inspection.

  • What is the probability that this item was produced by machine A?
  • What is the probability that this item was produced by machine B?

Related: (Solution) Economics 2122A Econometrics I Assignment 3

Solution – Econometrics I Assignment 2

Compute the correlation coefficient

0.200 -1.300 1.700 1.200 -1.800 Mx=3.3003.600 -7.40 6.600 8.600 -11.400 My=81.4000.040 1.690 2.890 1.440 3.240 Sum=9.30012.960 54.760 43.560 73.960 129.960 Sum=315.2000.720 9.620 11.220 10.320 20.520 Sum=52.400X: X Values
Y: Y Values
Mx: Mean of X Values
My: Mean of Y Values
X – Mx & Y – My: Deviation scores
(X – Mx)2 & (Y – My)2: Deviation Squared
(X – Mx)(Y – My): Product of Deviation Scores

Correlation coefficient calculation

X Values

∑ = 16.5

Mean = 3.3

∑(X – Mx)2 = SSx = 9.3

Y Values

∑ = 407

Mean = 81.4

∑(Y – My)2 = SSy = 315.2

X and Y Combined

N = 5

∑(X – Mx)(Y – My) = 52.4

R Calculation

r = ∑((X – My)(Y – Mx)) / √((SSx)(SSy))

r = 52.4 / √((9.3)(315.2)) = 0.9678

R (correlation coefficient)= 0.9678





𝜎𝑌 = √78.8 ≈ 8.877


Comment on the correlation between 𝑥 and 𝑦 according to the covariance and the correlation coefficient you have got. (3 points)
Correct Answer: covariance indicates that hours studied and test grade are positively correlated; correlation coefficient indicates that hours studied and test grade are strongly positively correlated.

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