OL 600 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Performance Management: Employee and Labor Relations


For this milestone, due in Module Five, you will analyze HR strategic initiatves of employee and labor relations that positively impact organizational efectveness. The three critcal elements focus on employee discipline, performance management, and employee and labor relatons.


For this Milestone, consider the following scenario: Assume the role of a human resources director at a U.S.-based call center that is currently based in the Midwest. The organizaton plans to expand their call center locatons in the states of South Carolina and Tennessee and the country of India and needs to hire 100 employees. Your organizaton has been primarily hiring “local” talent, many of whom have been relatves of current employees. The Midwest locaton is union free but does not have well-defned policies to address employee issues. Additonally, the organizaton’s approach to performance management is very traditonal and may not refect the needs of today’s workforce. As the human resources director, you will create a strategic HR plan that addresses goals related to your organizaton’s growth. The plan should have an infuence across the organizaton to be successful.


Refer to the chapter readings and module resources to support your responses to each of the three critcal elements below. Carefully read and address each critcal element as writen, using detailed and informatve analysis that conveys critcal thinking. The three critcal elements are aligned to the organizaton technical competency within the HR knowledge domain.

Specifcally, the following critcal elements must be addressed:

Employee Discipline: Compare punitve and nonpunitve disciplinary approaches, and explain their impacts on employee relatons. Identfy the steps in a fair employee discipline process and explain the impact to positve employee relatons in the organizaton.

Performance Management: Determine the elements of an efectve performance management system, and explain how well the employer’s system meets organizatonal needs.

Employee and Labor Relatons: Determine the diferences between union grievance procedures and nonunion complaint processes, and describe improvements that could be made to a nonunion complaint process.

Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback on this milestone into your fnal submission.

What to Submit

This milestone must be submited as a 3- to 4-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use the latest editon of the APA manual for formatng and citatons.

Note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission is not identcal to that of the fnal project. The Final Project Rubric will include an additonal “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond “Profcient” in your fnal submission.

Milestone Two Rubric

CriteriaProfcient (100%)Needs Improvement (70%)Not Evident (0%)Value
Employee DisciplineCompares punitve and nonpunitveCompares punitve and nonpunitveDoes not compare punitve and30
 disciplinary approaches and explains theirdisciplinary approaches and explains theirnonpunitve disciplinary approaches 
 impacts on employee relatons, usingimpacts on employee relatons, using  
 specifc examplesspecifc examples, but explanaton is  
  cursory or contains inaccuracies, or  
  examples are inappropriate  
Performance ManagementDetermines the elements of an efectveDetermines the elements of an efectveDoes not determine the elements of an30
 performance management system andperformance management system andefectve performance management 
 explains how well the employer’s systemexplains how well the employer’s systemsystem 
 meets organizatonal needs, using specifcmeets organizatonal needs, using specifc  
 examplesexamples, but explanaton is cursory or  
  contains inaccuracies, or examples are  
Employee and LaborDetermines the diferences between unionDetermines the diferences between unionDoes not determine the diferences30
Relatonsgrievance procedures and nonuniongrievance procedures and nonunionbetween union grievance procedures and 
 complaint processes and describescomplaint processes and describesnonunion complaint processes 
 improvements that could be made to aimprovements that could be made to a  
 nonunion complaint process, using specifcnonunion complaint process, using specifc  
 examplesexamples, but descripton is cursory or  
  contains inaccuracies, or examples are  
Artculaton of ResponseSubmission has no major errors related toSubmission has major errors related toSubmission has critcal errors related to10
 citatons, grammar, spelling, syntax, orcitatons, grammar, spelling, syntax, orcitatons, grammar, spelling, syntax, or 
 organizatonorganizaton that negatvely impactorganizaton that prevent understanding of 
  readability and artculaton of main ideasideas 

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