MGMT*3300 Project Management Unit/Week 01 Discussion

What Does Project Management Mean to You?

Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  1. identify the elements of the PM life cycle and the PM process
  2. create essential documents utilized in the PM process
  3. demonstrate how to reliably estimate the status of projects
  4. utilize basic tools and techniques to plan, organize, and manage a project
  5. illustrate how to optimize results while managing constraints
  6. interact with peers and stakeholders in a professional and ethical manner.

Discussion Posts: you are required to individually complete a discussion post by the
end of most weeks/units. The discussion posts could be ONE of the following: a
fulsome response to a question posted by the instructor, feedback on the draft project
management documents posted by other groups, and/or an additional original post.
The discussion post activities will comprise a significant portion of your engagement
grade. You are expected to complete 10 of the 12 weekly/unit discussion posts.

Discussion Post 1

What Does Project Management Mean to You?


Projects aim at creating value through unique products, services, or an outcome. Companies plan for the beginning and an end for every project indulged. I believe project management is essential for the team’s planning to work on the project, budget, schedule, and the expected results the team needs to meet. Project management applies methods, skills, knowledge, processes, and experience to achieve specified project objectives within the agreed parameter. Project management offers the final deliverable of a project considering a definite timescale and budget (Gray & Larson, 2021). I therefore believe project management is different from management because it provides a specific timespan, unlike management which presents an ongoing process. Each project has its uniqueness, and its operations differ…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $5

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