The Role of Culture in the Development of Children and Adolescents


Review the resources included in each subtopic. Research the role of culture in child and adolescent development. Look for examples and review related studies. Based on the information reviewed, answer the following questions:

  • What has been discovered, thanks to scientific research in Psychology, about the impact and effect of culture on the child’s development? (Include any important studies or findings.)
  • Review theories about the stages of development. Choose the theory that seems most accurate to you. Briefly explain the theory and include a summary of the stages.

Remember to review the academic expectations for your submission.

Submission Instructions:

  • Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.  
  • Contribute a minimum of 250 words for your initial post. It should include at least 1 academic source, formatted and cited in APA.
  • Respond to at least two of your classmates’ discussion posts by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday. Ask a question, and provide a different viewpoint.


Impact of Culture on Child Development

Research in psychology has shown that culture significantly influences child development. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory highlights that children’s cognitive development is shaped by their social interactions and cultural context. According to Vygotsky (1978), learning occurs through collaboration with others and the use of cultural tools.

A recent study by Tamis-LeMonda et al. (2019) found that parenting practices vary across cultures, affecting children’s social and cognitive skills. For instance, in collectivist cultures, where family and community are emphasized, children often develop strong social bonds and a sense of communal responsibility. In contrast, individualistic cultures, which focus on personal achievement, may promote independence and self-expression… Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $5

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