PSY120 Midterm Exam

Question 1

In a study of 13- to 19-year-olds in Singapore, short sleep duration of less than 7 hours on school nights was associated with low

Select one:

a.risk of being overweight.

b.levels of motivation.Correct

c.levels of anxiety.

d.risk of self-harm.

Correct Answer Question 1

The Correct Answer is b. levels of motivation.

Answer Explanation:

Sleep deprivation often leads to cognitive impairments, which can result in decreased motivation. Teens who don’t get enough sleep are likely to struggle with focus and drive, impacting their motivation levels.

Question 2

Which of the following statements is true of the pubertal growth spurt?

Select one:

a.The growth spurt occurs approximately two years earlier for girls than for boys.Correct

b.The mean age at the beginning of the growth spurt in girls is 11.

c.The peak rate of pubertal change occurs at 11½ years for boys.

d.During their growth spurt, girls increase in height about 4 inches per year.

Correct Answer Question 2

The Correct answer is a.The growth spurt occurs approximately two years earlier for girls than for boys

Answer Explanation:

Girls typically begin puberty earlier than boys. The average onset of the growth spurt is around 9 to 10 years for girls and 11 to 12 years for boys, leading to a noticeable difference of about two years.

Question 3

Identify the true statement about the sexual identity development.

Select one:

a.All gays and lesbians quietly struggle with same-sex attractions in childhood.

b.An adolescent’s sexual identity involves styles of behavior and an indication of sexual orientation.

c.The majority of sexual minority adolescents have incompetent and unsuccessful paths of development through adolescence.

d.Adolescents with opposite-sex attractions never experience any degree of same-sex attraction.

Correct Answer Question 3

The correct answer is b. An adolescent’s sexual identity involves styles of behavior and an indication of sexual orientation.

Answer Explanation

An adolescent’s sexual identity development includes both the expression of sexual orientation and certain behaviors, like how they engage with peers and explore their sexuality.

Question 4

The Institute of Social Research at the University of Michigan monitored the drug use of America’s high school seniors in a wide range of public and private high schools. They found that the percentage of illicit drug use

Select one:

a.has been declining overall over the past several decades.

b.was highest during the late 1980s.

c.has been at the same level since 1990.

d.increased significantly between 2000 and 2005.

Correct Answer Question 4

The correct answer is a. has been declining overall over the past several decades.

Answer Explanation

Research and data, such as from the Monitoring the Future study, show that there has been a general decline in illicit drug use among high school seniors in the U.S. over the last few decades.

Question 5

Dr. Nasrin believes that associating behavior with consequence can shape the probability of a behavior occurring. Dr. Nasrin is arguing that_____ conditioning is important for behavioral modification.

Select one:





Correct Answer Question 5

The correct answer is b.operant

Answer Explanation

Operant conditioning is the learning process through which behaviors are influenced by the consequences they produce. Positive or negative reinforcement affects the likelihood of repeating certain behaviors.

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Question 6

Which of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s environmental systems consists of the patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life course, as well as sociohistorical circumstances?

Select one:

a.the mesosystem

b.the chronosystem

c.the macrosystem

d.the exosystem

Question 7

A(n)_____ is a carefully regulated procedure in which one or more factors believed to influence the behavior being studied are manipulated while all other factors are held constant.

Select one: study




Question 8

Dr. Perkins predicts that children who spend years playing a musical instrument are smarter than children who do not play music. This testable prediction is known as a(n)

Select one:





Question 9

Benny has been diagnosed with a gene-linked abnormality characterized by deceleration of mental and physical development caused by an accumulation of lipids in the nervous system. He has been put on medication and a special diet, but his family has been told that he will probably not live beyond the age of 5. Benny is suffering from_____ 2B

Select one:

a.spina bifida.

b.Tay-Sachs disease.


d.Huntington disease.

Question 10

Melody and Harmony are identical twins. This means that they developed from

Select one:

a.a single egg that was fertilized by a single sperm.

b.a single egg that was fertilized by two different sperms.

c.two eggs that were fertilized by a single sperm.

d.two eggs that were fertilized by two different sperms.

Question 11

Which of the following does amniocentesis bring a small risk of?

Select one:

a.mental retardation

b.limb deformity


d.Down syndrome

Question 12

Mateo, an infant, is on a special diet, as his parents are aware that he has a genetic disorder in which he cannot metabolize phenylalanine, an amino acid. Mateo’s parents are also aware of the importance of this diet and that excess phenylalanine buildup in the infant will produce intellectual disability and hyper­activity. This genetic disorder results from a

Select one:

a.dominant gene.

b.recessive gene.

c.complementary gene.

d.longevity gene.

Question 13

Which of the following statements is true of cocaine use during pregnancy?

Select one:

a.Cocaine quickly crosses the placenta to reach the fetus.

b.Cocaine is broken down in the mother’s bloodstream before it can reach the fetus.

c.Cocaine molecules are too large to pass through the placenta.

d.Cocaine exposure during prenatal development has no negative effects on the fetus.

Question 14

Yesenia just found out she is pregnant, and her doctor prescribed her a B-complex vitamin that promotes normal prenatal development and reduces the risk of preterm deliveries. Which of the following is the vitamin prescribed by the woman’s doctor?

Select one:



c.pantothenic acid

d.folic acid

Question 15

The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale is typically performed within_____ after birth.

Select one:

a.24 to 36 hours

b.two to five days to two weeks to two months

Question 16

Which of the following techniques is used to overcome the threat of problems related to the breech position during delivery?

Select one:

a.massage therapy therapy


d.cesarean section

Question 17

Identify a disadvantage of breast feeding in the context of impoverished African countries.

Select one:

a.There is risk of passing HIV to babies through breast milk if the mothers have the virus.

b.Breast milk is less hygienic than infant formula.

c.Breast feeding predominantly deteriorates the health of the mother.

d.Mothers who breast feed have a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

Question 18

How is sleep in infancy linked to cognitive development?

Select one:

a.Too much sleep in infancy is connected to decreased alertness later on.

b.Lower quality of sleep at 1 year of age is related to lower attention regulation and behavioral issues by 3 to 4 years of age.

c.Two hours less sleep than average every night in infants increases cognitive function by 3 to 4 years of age.

d.If babies do not get good enough sleep during infancy, their brains will completely stop developing.

Question 19

Juno is riding a bike. Riding a bike requires the child to use memories of skills and routine procedures that are performed automatically. This type of memory is referred to as_____ memory.

Select one:





Question 20

When children experience cognitive conflict in trying to understand the world, they shift from one stage of thought to the next. The mechanism through which this shift occurs is called

Select one:





Question 21

“Easy child,””difficult child,” and “slow-to-warm-up child” are three basic types of_____ identified by psychiatrists Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas.

Select one:




Question 22

Separation protest is characterized by

Select one:

a.rejoicing when the caregiver returns.

b.crying when the caregiver shouts.

c.crying when the caregiver leaves.

d.indifference to the whereabouts of the caregiver.

Question 23

A 6-year-old girl, is a fussy eater. She avoids eating dark green vegetables and meat. She prefers to only have junk food. She feels weak, becomes tired easily, and shows signs of chronic fatigue. It can be said that the child is showing symptoms of

Select one:

a.lactose intolerance.

b.binge eating disorder.

c.iron deficiency anemia.

d.alopecia areata.

Question 24

Research reported by Powers, Howley, and Quindry in 2020 shows that a child’s life should center around_____.

Select one:




Question 25

_____ involves an increase in the speed and efficiency with which information travels through the nervous system during brain development in children between the ages of 3 and 5.

Select one:





Question 26

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2022) has established categories for weight that are determined by body mass index. Children and adolescents at or above the 97th percentile are classified as

Select one:


b.overweight. risk of being overweight.

d.severely malnourished.

Question 27

In the context of early childhood education, developmentally appropriate practice emphasizes

Select one:

a.the importance of creating settings that encourage active learning and reflect children’s interests and capabilities.

b.the education of the whole child and concern for his or her physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development.

c.the importance of giving children considerable freedom in choosing activities and allowing them to move from one activity to another as they desire.

d.the content of learning rather than the process of learning.

Question 28

When experimenters ask children to judge whether two complex pictures are the same, preschool children tend to use a haphazard comparison strategy, not examining all of the details before making a judgment. The children exhibit a lack of

Select one:


b.attention to the salient.



Question 29

In 1965, the federal government began an effort to break the cycle of poverty and substandard education for young children in the United States through

Select one:

a.the Maria Montessori Program.

b.the Emancipation Undertaking.

c.the Reggio Emilia Project.

d.Project Head Start.

Question 30

Six-year-old Patricia loves to draw pictures and describe them. Her ideas are more balanced now than when she was younger. She has started to analyze and understand things. However, she is egocentric and holds what her parents describe as “magical beliefs.” This child is in Piaget’s_____ stage of development.

Select one:


b.concrete operational

c.formal operational


Question 31

Bernice is raised by two lesbian mothers, whereas Jessica is raised by a heterosexual couple. According to research, it is most likely that

Select one:

a.Bernice is more popular than Jessica, but Jessica is more psychologically adjusted than Bernice.

b.Bernice and Jessica are similar with regard to popularity and mental health.

c.Bernice will have a homosexual orientation, while Jessica will have a heterosexual orientation.

d.both will grow up to marry men, but Bernice is more likely to get divorced.

Question 32

Research conducted by Ruth Chao suggests that

Select one:

a.the high control of Asian parents is best conceptualized as “training” and is distinct from the domineering control characteristic of an authoritarian style of parenting.

b.”authoritarian” parenting is “authoritarian” parenting, whether the parent is Asian American, African American, or European American.

c.contrary to stereotypes, Asian parents are indulgent and permissive.

d.consistent with stereotypes, Asian parents are domineering and controlling and have rigid and unrealistic expectations for academic achievement in their children.

Question 33

Twice each month, Gini helps to serve dinner at the “Community Table,” a program that assists homeless people in her town. She brings her 9-year-old and 11-year-old children with her and talks to them about the need to share time, food, and kindness with others who are less fortunate. Social cognitive theorists would say that this mother’s children

Select one:

a.are likely to develop moral behavior that includes helping others.

b.are not likely to be impacted by this, as their moral behavior will be modeled on peers, not parents.

c.will not benefit from these experiences until they are teenagers.

d.will fail to model their behavior on their mother’s unless they see some reward in it.

Question 34

In a recent study, Charlesworth and other researchers discovered that by 5 years of age, children made character judgements based on others’_____. For instance, they were more likely to _____ those with trustworthy and submissive-looking faces.

Select one:

a.facial characteristics; give gifts to

b.promises; accept gifts from

c.voices; obey

d.silences; worry about

Question 35

The public and many professionals use the termchild abuse to refer to both abuse and neglect, while developmentalists increasingly use the term

Select one:

a.child neglect.

b.child maltreatment.

c.child battery.

d.child assault.

Question 36

According to Livingston, in 2019, 15- to 17-year-olds spent how long each day, on average, engaging in screen time?

Select one:

a.1 hour and 45 minutes

b.2 hours and 10 minutes

c.3 hours and 4 minutes

d.3 hours and 48 minutes

Question 37

In populations with high-risk profiles, predicting adult criminal convictions by age 25 is possible with as little as

Select one: teacher screen taken during kindergarten or first grade. interview with parents in the child’s infancy. blood test in early adolescence. year of therapy in early adulthood.

Question 38

Being overweight is defined in relation to a person’s

Select one:


b.body mass index.


d.waist circumference.

Question 39

Conflicts arise between parents and adolescents because

Select one:

a.few parents anticipate how strongly their adolescent will push for autonomy and responsibility.

b.while parents want autonomy, adolescents want a connection.

c.parents want their adolescents to push the boundaries, while adolescents want to maintain the status quo.

d.parents want to relinquish all of their control over their adolescent.

Question 40

In a recent study (Tetering & others, 2020), 13- to 16-year-old_____ reported higher levels of self-control and self-monitoring than their____ counterparts.

Select one:

a.female youth; male

b.male youth; female

c.White youth; African American

d.Latino youth; non-Latino White

Question 41

A person’s mental age divided by chronological age (CA) and multiplied by 100 would indicate that person’s

Select one:

a.emotional quotient.

b.intelligence quotient.

c.level of mental development relative to others.

d.cognitive maturity.

Question 42

Although Casey scores only about average on standardized intelligence tests, she is street-smart and has excellent social skills and good common sense. Given a problem, the girl will try her best to arrive at a solution. Most of her friends and family appreciate this about her, as she seems to be able to find ways to get things done on her own. In the context of Sternberg’s theories, she has_____ intelligence.

Select one:





Question 43

A 9-year-old girl is always the last student in class to finish assignments, because she can only write slowly, and even then, her writing is virtually illegible and riddled with spelling mistakes. Her teacher refers her to a psychologist, who diagnoses her with a learning disability known as

Select one:





Question 44

Researchers Blair and Razza (2007) have found that_____ is a better predictor of school readiness than_____.

Select one:

a.executive function; general IQ

b.creativity; executive function

c.general IQ; creativity

d.general IQ; executive function

Question 45

Religious adolescents are more likely than nonreligious adolescents to

Select one: depressed.

b.drink alcohol.

c.engage in community service.

d.engage in problem behaviors.

Question 46

A child has few close friends. He is actively disliked by many children in his class. In the context of peer statuses, the boy would be classified as a(n)_____ child.

Select one:





Question 47

Which of the following statements is true regarding stepfamilies?

Select one:

a.Most stepfamilies are preceded by divorce rather than the death of a spouse.

b.Stepfamilies include far more infants or preschool children than elementary and secondary school children.

c.The histories and multiple relationships involved in stepfamilies make adjustment between the couples simpler.

d.In stepmother families, the mother typically has custody of the children and remarries, introducing a stepfather into her children’s lives.

Question 48

In terms of_____ behavior, taking another’s perspective improves children’s likelihood of understanding and sympathizing with others when they are distressed or in need.

Select one:





Question 49

_____ is characterized by self-disclosure and the sharing of private thoughts.

Select one:

a.Ego support

b.Intimacy in friendships

c.Physical support

d.Social comparison

Question 50

Which of the following is among the criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?

Select one:

a.Kohlberg’s theory is based on the prevention of suffering of others.

b.Compassion is given too much importance in Kohlberg’s theory.

c.There is too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior.

d.There is no emphasis on the need for justice in matters of morality.

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