PSY120 Graded Exam 2

Question 1

Children can experience a number of sleep problems—including narcolepsy, which is characterized by

Select one:

a.extreme daytime sleepiness.Correct

b.difficulty in going to sleep.

c.difficulty in staying asleep.


Correct Answer Question 1

Correct Answer: (a) extreme daytime sleepiness.

Narcolepsy is a neurological sleep disorder that causes sudden, uncontrollable episodes of daytime sleepiness. It can result in falling asleep at inappropriate times. This condition disrupts the normal sleep-wake cycle, making it difficult to stay awake during the day.

Question 2

Short sleep duration in children is linked with being

Select one:





Correct Answer Question 2

Correct Answer: (c) overweight.

Research shows that insufficient sleep in children is associated with an increased risk of being overweight or obese. This can be due to hormonal imbalances, increased appetite, and decreased physical activity, all of which can result from a lack of proper sleep.

Question 3

Using rehearsal, we can keep information in short-term memory for a much longer period. In this context, rehearsal means

Select one:

a.preparing for a memory-span test.

b.doing mental exercises daily to keep one’s mind sharp.

c.repeating information after it has been presented.

d.taking regular memory-span tests.

Correct Answer Question 2

Correct Answer: (c) repeating information after it has been presented.

Rehearsal refers to the cognitive process of repeatedly going over information to retain it in short-term memory for longer. This technique is commonly used to transfer information from short-term memory to long-term memory.

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Question 4

In the context of cognitive development in early childhood, Vygotsky argued that

Select one:

a.formal, standardized tests are the best way to assess children’s learning.

b.assessment should focus on determining a child’s zone of proximal development.

c.educators should focus on abstract presentations of material.

d.teaching should begin toward the lower limit of the zone of proximal development.

Question 5

_____ is a philosophy of education in which children are given considerable freedom and spontaneity in choosing activities.

Select one:

a.The child-centered kindergarten

b.The Montessori approach

c.Developmentally appropriate practice

d.Developmentally inappropriate practice

Question 6

Cora conducts a laboratory experiment to test the memory of children. She rapidly reads out a list of colors to three children aged 4, 6, and 13 years. The children are then asked to repeat the names of the colors. The researcher observes that the 6-year-old and the 13-year-old are able to recall more colors than the 4-year-old. What does this experiment illustrate?

Select one:

a.Younger children tend to rehearse information more than older children do.

b.Short-term memory decreases during late childhood.

c.Information is retained in short-term memory for a long period without rehearsal.

d.Memory span varies from one individual to another.

Question 7

According to Lillard (2021) and Morrison, Breffni, and Woika (2022), competent early childhood programs should focus

Select one:

a.on cognitive development and socioemotional development.

b.exclusively on cognitive development.

c.on preoperational skills.

d.on academics alone.

Question 8

What important function is much more likely to be fulfilled by a child’s peer group than by a sibling?

Select one:

a.having a same-sex friend

b.getting a chance to share intimate feelings

c.providing comparison on how the child compares with other children of the same age a view of what the world looks like from another person’s perspective

Question 9

The_____ of gender stems from the view that a preschool child develops a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent.

Select one:

a.psychoanalytic theory cognitive theory

c.evolutionary psychology view role theory

Question 10

One of the most widely studied types of children’s play today is_____, in which infants in the second quarter of the first year of life engage in exploratory and playful visual and motor transactions.

Select one:

a.practice play

b.sensorimotor play play

d.constructive play

Question 11

Maria believes that if a rule is broken, punishment will be delivered immediately. In the context of Jean Piaget’s theory of moral development, this scenario indicates that the girl believes in the concept of

Select one:

a.immanent justice.

b.estorative justice.

c.reciprocal socialization.


Question 12

According to Piaget’s theory, from_____ years of age, children are in a transition, showing some features of the first stage of moral reasoning and some features of the second stage.

Select one:

a.1 to 4

b.4 to 7

c.7 to 10

d.10 to 12

Question 13

Which of the following is true about childhood maltreatment?

Select one:

a.Two-thirds of parents who are abused go on to abuse their own children.

b.Childhood maltreatment can be caused by a single factor.

c.Violence on television does not impact the violence we see in families.

d.Stress, substance abuse, and various other factors may contribute to child maltreatment.

Question 14

Lillette, 9, has been diagnosed with_____, a cancer in which the bone marrow manufactures an abundance of abnormal white blood cells that crowd out normal cells, making her susceptible to bruising and infection.

Select one:




d.clear cell sarcoma

Question 15

Robert J. Sternberg’s triarchic theory and Howard Gardner’s theory of intelligence are examples of the idea that

Select one:

a.intelligence is a general ability.

b.there are three types of intelligence.

c.intelligence consists of a number of specific abilities.

d.culture plays an important role in the development of intelligence.

Question 16

Children who have reached the concrete operational stage are capable of_____, which is the ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension, such as length.

Select one:





Question 17

Sergio’s mental age is 8, but his chronological age is 9. Sergio’s IQ

Select one: 100. more than 100. less than 100.

d.cannot be determined from the information provided.

Question 18

Colin’s son has been diagnosed with a learning disability. Since then, he has spent a significant amount of time trying to understand the causes of his son’s disability. He learns that even though several research studies have been conducted, the precise causes are not yet known. He comes across a research finding that indicates that it is unlikely that learning disabilities

Select one:

a.reside in a single, specific brain location.

b.are due to problems in integrating information from multiple brain regions.

c.are a result of subtle impairments in brain structures.

d.occur as a result of subtle impairments in brain functions.

Question 19

“What would you do if you could be invisible for a day?” is an example of a question that has many possible answers and fosters_____ thinking.

Select one:





Question 20

Students with_____ endorse such statements as “I know that I will be able to learn the material in this class” and “I expect to be able to do well at this activity.”

Select one:

a.high self-efficacy

b.high self-esteem

c.low self-efficacy

d.low self-esteem

Question 21

With regard to morality, 18-year-old Nasrin believes that the focus should be on abstract principles rather than on relationships and concern for others. Therefore, she has a(n)_____ perspective on morality.

Select one:




Question 22

A student sits at the back of the classroom. Only few children in the class know his name. He does not have any best friends, but he is not disliked by his classmates. Which of the following is the boy’s probable peer status?

Select one:





Question 23

In the context of emotional and personality development, identify a true statement about perspective taking.

Select one:

a.underlies prosocial behavior

b.Children decrease their perspective taking in middle and late childhood.

c.Perspective taking refers to global evaluations of the self.

d.Perspective taking hinders children’s likelihood of understanding and sympathizing with others.

Question 24

Which of the following is among the criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?

Select one:

a.Kohlberg’s theory is based on the prevention of suffering of others.

b.Compassion is given too much importance in Kohlberg’s theory.

c.There is too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior.

d.There is no emphasis on the need for justice in matters of morality.

Question 25

Which of the following is a recommendation offered by Eva Pomerantz for parents who want to increase the motivation of their children and adolescents to do well in school?

Select one:

a.Parents should realize that children’s and adolescents’ abilities are not fixed and can change.

b.Parents should avoid getting involved often in their children’s and adolescents’ academic life.

c.Parents should understand that all children and adolescents are similar.

d.Parents should follow an authoritarian style of parenting to produce emotional stability in their children and adolescents.

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