PSY120 Graded Exam 1

Question 1

The maximum life span of humans

Select one:

a.has increased over time.

b.has not changed since the beginning of recorded history.Correct

c.has matched their life expectancy in recent times.

d.was about 65 years as the first decade of the twenty-first century drew to a close.

Correct Answer Question 1

Correct Answer: (b) has not changed since the beginning of recorded history.

The maximum human life span is the longest period any human has lived, which is approximately 120-125 years. This has remained relatively constant throughout history. While average life expectancy (the number of years people are expected to live) has increased due to advances in medicine and living conditions, the biological limit of how long humans can live has not changed.

Question 2

Sharon is a 30-year-old stay-at-home mother to a toddler. Life-span developmentalists would consider Sharon to be

Select one: the second age of prime adulthood.Correct

b.transitioning from early adulthood to middle adulthood.

c.a middle-aged woman. an adult latency period.

Correct Answer Question 2

Correct Answer: (a) in the second age of prime adulthood.

Life-span developmentalists divide adulthood into different stages. The “second age” typically refers to early adulthood (from around 20 to 40 years), which includes individuals in their 30s. Sharon, being 30, fits into this category, which is also considered prime adulthood, a time often focused on career, family, and personal development.

Question 3

Individuals guide and motivate themselves by creating action plans, formulating goals, and visualizing positive outcomes of their actions—that is, they are engaging in

Select one:




d.forward thought.

Correct Answer Question 3

Correct Answer: (a) forethought.

Forethought involves planning ahead and considering future possibilities or outcomes. When individuals set goals, plan actions, and visualize success, they are exercising forethought. This is an essential aspect of self-regulation and personal motivation.

Question 4

A group of people who are born at a similar point in history and share similar experiences as a result is referred to as a

Select one:





Correct Answer Question 4

Correct Answer: (c) cohort.

A cohort is a group of individuals who experience the same historical events at the same ages, such as people born in the same time period (e.g., millennials or baby boomers). Cohorts often share similarities due to common historical, social, and cultural influences they experience.

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Question 5

Red-feathered and blue-feathered birds occupy the same environment. The birds with the red feathers are better able to survive and avoid predators. This means that the population of red-feathered birds will increase in future generations. Which process is illustrated?

Select one:

a.genetic selection

b.natural adaptation

c.natural selection

d.genetic survival

Question 6

Which of the following conditions is due to an X-linked inheritance?

Select one:

a.Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome


c.Wilms tumor


Question 7

By far the most common high-tech assisted reproduction technique used is

Select one:

a.artificial insemination. vitro fertilization.

c.spermatogenesis. vivo fertilization.

Question 8

Which of the following is a risk related to the use of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) as a prenatal diagnostic test?

Select one:

a.limb deformity

b.spina bifida

c.Down syndrome

d.mental retardation

Question 9

Timothy is a shy 6-year-old who is usually withdrawn in class. He is always distracted and refuses to cooperate with other students during class activities. He does not volunteer to answer questions, and as his teachers find it difficult to elicit any response from him, they choose to ignore him. He is not liked by his classmates, as he never shares his belongings. As a result, he mostly plays by himself. According to Sandra Scarr’s description of the three ways that heredity and environment can be correlated, which of the following correlations is most likely exhibited in this scenario?

Select one:

a.passive genotype-environment correlation genotype-environment correlation

c.niche-picking genotype-environment correlation

d.evocative genotype-environment correlation

Question 10

Cell differentiation intensifies and organs appear in the_____ period of prenatal development.

Select one:





Question 11

A woman contracted a sexually transmitted infection from her partner a couple of years ago. When she became pregnant, her doctor advised her to avoid breast feeding her baby, as the baby could contract the infection from her. Which of the following maternal diseases did the woman have?

Select one:



c.genital herpes


Question 12

In a recent U.S. study, newborns that were born in water were more likely to

Select one: admitted to a NICU.

b.have fetal heart rate abnormalities.

c.have respiratory complications.

d.have lower rates of fetal heart rate abnormalities.

Question 13

The Apgar Scale is a method used to assess the health of newborns. A score of three would indicate

Select one:

a.that the newborn’s condition is good.

b.that there may be some developmental difficulties. emergency, because the baby’s survival is in doubt.

d.that the evaluator has not made a proper reading.

Question 14

Which of the following is a dynamic process that is linked with sensory information in the skin, joints, and muscles, which tell us where we are in space; in vestibular organs in the inner ear that regulate balance and equilibrium; and in vision and hearing?

Select one:


b.cognitive development


d.reflexive behavior

Question 15

Identify a disadvantage of breast feeding in the context of impoverished African countries.

Select one:

a.There is risk of passing HIV to babies through breast milk if the mothers have the virus.

b.Breast milk is less hygienic than infant formula.

c.Breast feeding predominantly deteriorates the health of the mother.

d.Mothers who breast feed have a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

Question 16

Which of the following statements about infants and REM sleep is true?

Select one:

a.When infants are 3 months old, the amount of time they spend in REM sleep begins to increase.

b.Most infants spend about 70 percent of their sleeping time in REM sleep.

c.REM sleep might promote the brain’s development in infancy.

d.Older adults are the only group that spend more time in REM sleep than infants.

Question 17

Which view is similar to the epigenetic view and emphasizes the importance of interactions between experience and gene expression in the brain’s development?

Select one:


b.dynamic systems



Question 18

Someone with a vocabulary of only 200 words can recombine the words in different ways to say thousands of different things. This aspect of language is referred to as

Select one:




d.infinite generativity.

Question 19

Two-year-old Sarai uses the word “doll” to refer to her own Cabbage Patch doll but does not use the word to refer to her sister’s Barbie doll. This error is known as

Select one:


b.telegraphic speech.

c.private speech.


Question 20

Which of the following describes the substage known as coordination of secondary circular reactions?

Select one:

a.Infants show the presence of intentionality.

b.Infants manipulate and transform represented events in simple ways.

c.It develops between 15 and 18 months of age.

d.An infant develops the ability to use primitive symbols.

Question 21

What is a minimal unit of meaning that is a word or a part of a word that cannot be broken into smaller meaningful parts?

Select one:





Question 22

The infant’s ability to regulate emotions is tied to

Select one:

a.the gradual maturation of the frontal regions of the cerebral cortex.

b.parental history of emotional control.

c.the pace of myelination in the parietal lobe.

d.the growth of the cerebellum in the initial four months after birth.

Question 23

Infants show which of the following when they are in familiar settings?

Select one:

a.more stranger anxiety separation protest

c.less stranger anxiety

d.more separation protest

Question 24

According to Rothbart and Bates’ descriptions of temperament, into which category do Kagan’s uninhibited children fit?

Select one:


b.negative affectivity


d.effortful control

Question 25

Two people are discussing secure attachment in infancy. The first believes that secure attachment in an infant’s life provides an important foundation for psychological development that occurs later in life and strongly feels that there is enough evidence to support this. However, the second person rejects this view. Which of the following is among the criticisms of the emphasis on secure attachment and supports the second person’s position?

Select one:

a.Studies have shown that a mother’s negative emotional reactions (anger and anxiety) to her infant’s crying do not have an effect on the child’s attachment security or on the child’s psychological development later in life.

b.It has been proven that social agents and contexts seldom influence an infant’s secure attachment and thereby later development.

c.Biologically based factors such as genes and temperament have not been given adequate consideration in terms of how they influence an infant’s secure attachment and later development.

d.It has been observed and proven in all cultures that secure attachment is the least likely factor to influence an infant’s later development.

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