MOS3330 100% correct Quiz 1 Answers (ch 1,2,3,4,5,7) Operations Management


TB MC Qu. 03-42 An electric car company operates…

An electric car company operates a manufacturing facility with 160 robots and 3000 employees. The process produces some 500 vehicles each week. It takes a car about 5 days to move from the beginning of the process to the end. The plant operates for 16 hours per day, 5 days a week. What is the cycle time of the process?Multiple Choice

  • 5 minutes/car
  • 40 minutes/car
  • 9.6 minutes/car
  • 0.0009 minute/car

TB MC Qu. 03-55 Job candidates are leaving an office…

Job candidates are leaving an office every 50 minutes. Each candidate goes through three activities during the office visit: verification, written test, and interview. Verification takes 1 minute, the written test takes 40 minutes, and the interview takes 10 minutes. Assume there is only one resource dedicated to each activity. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn?

  • The process is demand-constrained.
  • The process is capacity-constrained.
  • The flow rate is equal to the process capacity.
  • The interview resource is the bottleneck.

TB MC Qu. 04-62 C&A Clothing sells T-shirts for…

C&A Clothing sells T-shirts for $14 each. Material costs are $3 per shirt and fixed costs are $250 per hour including the cost of labor. C&A Clothing currently employs two workers to make T-shirts, each of whom takes three minutes to make one shirt. Assume that labor costs are considered fixed and the demand is unlimited. How much profit does C&A Clothing make per hour?Multiple Choice

  • $190
  • $750
  • $500
  • $148

TB MC Qu. 04-16 An electronics manufacturing company produces… Operations Management

An electronics manufacturing company produces circuit boards using the four-step sequential process shown below. There is a single employee at each step.

StepProcessing Time per Circuit Board
Component install2 minutes
Solder2.5 minutes
Inspection1.5 minutes
Test3 minutes

Assume demand is unlimited. If each employee is paid $18.00 per hour, what is the cost of direct labor associated with producing one circuit board?Multiple Choice

  • $6.00
  • $3.60
  • $18.00
  • $0.90

TB MC Qu. 05-70 Consider the following four-step assembly operation…

Consider the following four-step assembly operation with quality problems. All resources are staffed by one employee.

  1. The first resource has a processing time of 5 minutes per unit.
  2. The second resource has a processing time of 6 minutes per unit.
  3. The third resource has a processing time of 3 minutes per unit. With a 30% probability, the flow unit coming out of the third resource has to be reworked. In that case, the operations at the first, second, and third resources are repeated. You can assume that (a) rework always succeeds (i.e., a unit going through the rework loop will always work after the third resource) and (b) the processing times for units in rework are the same as for regular units.
  4. The fourth resource has a processing time of 4 minutes per unit.

Which resource in the process is the bottleneck?Multiple Choice

  • The second resource
  • The fourth resource
  • The first resource
  • The third resource

TB MC Qu. 05-67 A four-step process is used to…

A four-step process is used to make a product. The first resource takes 8 minutes per unit, the second takes 7 minutes per unit, the third takes 2 minutes per unit, and the fourth takes 10 minutes per unit. 20% of all units have to be reworked. For that, they have to revisit the third and fourth resources. Each resource is staffed by one worker. Rework takes the same processing times as the first pass and always fixes the problem. What is the capacity of the process in units per minute?Multiple Choice

  • 0.08
  • 0.143
  • 0.417
  • 0.125

TB MC Qu. 07-52 A company uses a two-step process…

A company uses a two-step process to make a part. The first step involves a drill press that requires a 60-minute setup time before the production of each batch can begin. After that, one unit can be drilled every 6 minutes. The second step involves attaching the drilled item to another device which takes 8 minutes per unit. Demand is 5 units per hour. What is the ideal batch size of the parts?Multiple Choice

  • 8
  • 30
  • 10
  • 60

TB MC Qu. 07-35 Company C produces two kinds…

Company C produces two kinds of gumdrops: regular and sugar-free. The data on these gumdrops follow:

Demand (lbs per hour)3010
Changeover time (min)6030
Production rate (lbs per hour)8080

Company C first makes 90 pounds of regular gumdrops, then 30 pounds of sugar-free gumdrops, and then repeats this sequence. What is the average inventory of sugar-free gumdrops? 

  • 22.50
  • 9.38
  • 13.13
  • 28.13

TB MC Qu. 02-65 C&A Museum has 1,500,000 visitors…

C&A Museum has 1,500,000 visitors per year. Each visitor spends an average of 2 hours in the museum. What is the average number of visitors in the museum on a given day if the museum is open 300 days a year from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.?

  • 7500
  • 2400
  • 8000
  • 1250

TB MC Qu. 02-63 C&A Dairy uses 600 pounds of milk…

C&A Dairy uses 600 pounds of milk per day to make ice cream. On average, C&A Dairy uses 3 pounds of milk to make one gallon of ice cream. The production process takes 2 hours of mixing and 2 hours of cooling. How many gallons of ice cream does the cooler hold on average at any one time (i.e., consider only the flow time for cooling) if C&A Dairy operates for 10 hours a day?

  • 120
  • 25
  • 50
  • 40

Related: (Solution) Proctoring Enabled Quiz 2 MOS 3330 – Operations Management

Step-by-step Solutions MOS 3330 – Operations Management

An electric car company operates a manufacturing facility with 160 robots and 3000 employees. The process produces some 500 vehicles each week. It takes a car about 5 days to move from the beginning of the process to the end. The plant operates for 16 hours per day, 5 days a week. What is the cycle time of the process?Multiple Choice

  • 5 minutes/car
  • 40 minutes/car
  • 9.6 minutes/car – Correct
  • 0.0009 minute/car
Correct answer question 2 MOS 3330 Operations Management

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