PHIL101 Graded Exam 4
Eastern Influences
Question 1
Who among the following is NOT a proponent of “intelligent design”?
Select one:
a.Michael Behe
b.Phillip Johnson
c.Richard Dawkins
d.William Dembski
Correct Answer Question 1
The correct answer is:
c. Richard Dawkins
Explanation: Richard Dawkins is a well-known evolutionary biologist and a vocal critic of intelligent design. He advocates for the theory of evolution by natural selection, as laid out by Charles Darwin, and has written extensively against the concept of intelligent design. The others—Michael Behe, Phillip Johnson, and William Dembski—are proponents of intelligent design, which argues that certain features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than by natural processes like evolution.

Question 2
According to Julian of Norwich, how did mystical experience compare with reason as a source of knowledge about God?
Select one:
a.It is a better source than reason.
b.It is as valid a source of knowledge as reason is.
c.It is a worse source than reason.
d.It is not a source of knowledge at all.
Correct Answer Question 2:
The correct answer is:
b. It is as valid a source of knowledge as reason is.
Explanation: Julian of Norwich, a Christian mystic, believed that mystical experiences provided a profound understanding of God, equal to the insights gained through reason. Her mystical visions offered her a direct and personal connection to divine truth, which she considered as valid as intellectual reasoning.
Question 3
What kind of an argument did Kant use to justify the rationality of belief in God?
Select one:
Correct Answer Question 3:
The correct answer is:
d. moral
Explanation: Immanuel Kant used a moral argument to justify belief in God. He argued that rationality requires belief in God for the sake of morality, as the existence of God ensures that virtue and happiness can ultimately coincide in a just moral order, even though this is not always evident in life.
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Question 4
Given his epistemological standards, what characteristic must all of Descartes’s arguments for God possess?
Select one:
a.They must be based on sensory experience.
b.They must be capable of being doubted.
c.They must yield conclusions that are absolutely certain.
d.They must prove the independence of human thought.
Question 5
Who among the following is a representative of the “First Wave” of feminist philosophy?
Select one:
a.Simone de Beauvoir
b.Julia Kristeva
c.Harriet Taylor
d.Nel Noddings
Question 6
Identify a true statement about the words associated with women, their occupations, and their bodies in a male-dominated society.
Select one:
a.Words associated with women tend to have derogatory and insulting slang meanings.
b.Words associated with women get reified into objects beyond the human realm.
c.Words associated with women vanish from the conversational landscape.
d.Words associated with women in a positive light get transformed into male virtues.
Question 7
Which of the following is true according to Julia Kristeva?
Select one:
a.The female semiotic has been devalued.
b.Feminine signification has been marginalized because it threatens the traditionally masculinist symbolic discourse.
c.Religious discourse can mediate a healing space between the symbolic and the semiotic.
d.All of these answers are correct.
Question 8
Helene Cixous recognizes that social structures are inherent in language, so she writes at the limits of language in a style called _____ to mitigate the damage done by “masculinist” structures in philosophical writing.
Select one:
a.binary opposition
b.ecriture feminine
Question 9
According to Nancy Chodorow, why do boys often become isolated, separate, and misogynous?
Select one:
a.Boys are naturally this way because of the presence of greater amounts of testosterone.
b.They are often teased and rejected by girls at a young age.
c.Society requires that boys make efforts to establish themselves as “not-mother.”
d.Mass media, advertising, and entertainment combine to produce this result.
Question 10
According to Mary Wollstonecraft, which of the following virtues should be cultivated in women as well as men?
Select one:
Question 11
The whole focus of _____ work is to demonstrate that language doesn’t exist outside the body.
Select one:
a.Sara Ruddick’s
b.Hélène Cixous’s
c.Nancy Chodorow’s
d.Carol Gilligan’s
Question 12
Who among the following coined the approach “maternal thinking”?
Select one:
a.Nel Noddings
b.Carol Gilligan
c.Nancy Chodorow
d.Sara Ruddick
Question 13
Identify a reason why feminist epistemologists are suspicious of the concept of the “ideal knower” as dispassionate, objective, and purely rational.
Select one:
a.These qualities are of no value in the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
b.Too many real people are like that, and they don’t know much.
c.Even supposedly objective scientists are influenced by their own prejudices and biases.
d.They aren’t suspicious of this concept at all.
Question 14
What is NOT true of Hinduism?
Select one:
a.It has no known founder.
b.It has no single religious body to interpret orthodoxy.
c.It has no scriptures or holy writings.
d.It has no unified set of doctrines.
Question 15
According to Siddhartha Gautama, what is an immediate cause of human suffering?
Select one:
a.the uncertainty of the world
c.bad karma
d.sinful human nature
Question 16
According to Lao Tzu, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Tao?
Select one:
a.It is the natural order of things.
b.Man can improve it.
c.It is one and eternal.
d.It gives order and substance to all things.
Question 17
Identify the Mahayana Buddhist view that was contradicted by Murasaki Shikibu?
Select one:
a.Enlightenment requires religious contemplation and study of the sutras.
b.Confucian virtues of filial piety, veneration of ancestors, and respect for rank and position are important.
c.The Mikado is the greatest earthly kami.
d.Women must wait for reincarnation as a male before they can achieve enlightenment.
Question 18
In the context of the philosophy of Mencius, which of the following is considered true happiness?
Select one:
a.ruling an empire for the sake of power
b.being a Mikado
c.seeing parents and family alive and free from anxiety
d.being detached from one’s intuition and conscience
Question 19
What do samurai warriors believe in?
Select one:
a.winning beforehand
b.being a complete man, both scholar and warrior
c.being self-reliant and prepared for anything
d.All of these answers are correct.
Question 20
According to Confucius, which of the following principles governs both the well-ordered family and the well-ordered state?
Select one:
a.the principle of yin/yang
b.the principle of the Mean
c.the principle of the equality of opposites
d.the principle of the parental mind
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