PHIL101 Graded Exam 1

Epistemology: The Search for Knowledge

Question 1

Which of the following branches of philosophy does NOT involve questions related to values?

Select one:





Correct Answer Question 1


Question 2

In philosophy, what is an argument?

Select one:

a.a factual disagreement between people reasons for a beliefCorrect

c.a shouting match

d.any verbal attempt to persuade

Correct Answer Question 2 reasons for a beliefCorrect

Question 3

What fallacy is it when an argument assumes only two options when in fact there are more?

Select one:

a.straw man

b.false dilemmaCorrect

c.begging the question

d.appeal to emotion

Correct Answer Question 3

b.false dilemmaCorrect

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Question 4

The fallacy of _____ amounts to transferring the qualities of a spokesperson to his or her insights, arguments, beliefs, or positions.

Select one: herring

b.begging the question

c.straw man

d.argumentum ad hominem

Question 5

Epistemology is the branch that explores the sources, nature, limits, and criteria of _____.

Select one:



c.good and bad


Question 6

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and fundamental properties of _____.

Select one:




Question 7

What is reality according to a follower of Parmenides?

Select one: and changing and unchanging

c.many and changing

d.many and unchanging

Question 8

Which is a theme common to all the pre-Socratics?

Select one:

a.Nothing changes.

b.Everything is made of particles.

c.The experienced world is a manifestation of a more fundamental underlying reality.

d.True reality is unknowable.

Question 9

The most famous dialogue of Plato is _____, from the so-called middle period of Plato’s writings, during which Plato reached the peak of his genius.

Select one:

a.the Republic

b.the Apology

c.the Meno

d.the Gorgias

Question 10

Plato’s three famous theories are as follows:

Select one:

a.the Theory of Forms, the Theory of Knowledge, and the Theory of the Oracle.

b.the Theory of Fire and Becoming, the Tunnel Theory, and the Theory of Knowledge.

c.the Theory of Becoming, the Theory of Relativity, and the Theory of the Absolute Truth.

d.the Theory of Knowledge, the Theory of Love and Becoming, and the Theory of Forms.

Question 11

When the Delphi Oracle pronounced Socrates to be the wisest of people, Socrates thought the pronouncement referred to the fact that he:

Select one:

a.was aware of the ignorance of most other philosophers.

b.was aware of his ignorance.

c.was aware of everything and nothing.

d.never wrote anything.

Question 12

Aristotle believed that humans have _____ souls, which form a single unity.

Select one:




Question 13

What did Aristotle say about change?

Select one:

a.It is an illusion.

b.It is a movement from potentiality to actuality.

c.It is a movement from actuality to potentiality.

d.It doesn’t require God.

Question 14

Those who think that universal terms like “man” denote something that exists outside the mind subscribe to _____.

Select one:





Question 15

Which of the following views of Aristotle did Aquinas disagree with?

Select one:

a.Physical things are always a blend of matter plus form.

b.The essence of a thing is the same as its existence.

c.One and the same form (universal) can be in more than one physical thing (particular).

d.Change is explained in terms of four causes: the formal, the material, the efficient, and the final.

Question 16

According to Rene Descartes, “clarity and distinctness” was a mark of _____.

Select one:





Question 17

Some of Descartes’s followers proposed a solution to the problem of how the immaterial mind interacts with the material body, given that the body is supposed to be subject to physical laws. The solution is called _____.

Select one:





Question 18

According to Anne Conway, God _____.

Select one: part mentaland part physical in time and space and subject to change

c.created the universe in a single creation event an eternal creator

Question 19

Question text

What did George Berkeley mean about such things as tables and chairs when he denied the existence of matter?

Select one:

a.There are no unperceived tables and chairs.

b.There are no tables and chairs.

c.Tables and chairs are really just swarms of particles in motion.

d.Everything, including tables and chairs, is an illusion.

Question 20

The most famous monadology in the history of philosophy is that of _____.

Select one:

a.Thomas Hobbes

b.Baron von Leibniz

c.Benedictus de Spinoza

d.Gottfried Wilhelm

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