NR565 Week 1 Prescription Quiz Answers

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Score for this quiz: 49.44 out of 50

Question 2

/ 5 pts

Refill Henry Xia’s hydrochlorothiazide prescription for hypertension. He takes 25 mg a day and gets a 3-month supply with enough refills for a year. NKDA; DOB 6/9/67.

Patient Name: 






Directions for Use: 

Indication for Use: 


Answer 1:

Correct!Henry Xia

Answer 2:


Correct Answer


Answer 3:


Answer 4:


Answer 5:

Correct!25 mg

Correct Answer


Answer 6:

Correct! 90

Answer 7:

Correct! Take one tablet by mouth daily in the morning

Answer 8:


Correct Answer


Answer 9:


Medication: hydrochlorothiazide 

Spell out the medication and avoid abbreviations to minimize errors.  

Strength: 25mg 

Directions for Use: Take one tablet by mouth daily in the morning  

Spell out by mouth and daily.  Specifying time of day is appropriate for some medications such as a diuretic like this medication.  

Quantity: 90 

A 3-month supply will be a default of 90 days.  There is no need to consider if months have 28, 30, or 31 days. 

Refills: 4

There are 12 months in a year and each prescription is providing 3 months’ worth of pills so 3 refills will total 12 months.  The original prescription covers 3 months, then 3 refills x 3 months is 9 months for a total of 12 months.

Indication for Use: hypertension 

Question 3

/ 5 pts

Prescribe antibiotic therapy for 14-month old Brandy Mitchell who has acute otitis media. She weighs 10 kilograms and has no allergies. She has not had otitis media previously and has no allergies.  

What calculation is necessary for this prescription?  


Question 4

/ 5 pts

Prescribe antibiotic therapy for 14-month old Brandy Mitchell who has acute otitis media.  She weighs 10 kilograms and has no allergies. She has not had otitis media previously and has no allergies.

What are the steps to complete the dosage calculation for the drug to be ordered? to an external site.

Question 5

/ 5 pts

Your patient weighs 22lbs. If you order Amoxicillin 80mg/kg/day by mouth divided into 2 doses in 24 hours for 10 days, how much should this patient receive? The medication strength is 400mg/5ml

NR565 Week 1 Prescription Quiz Score: 49.44 out of 50

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