NFDN 2004 Trends & Issues Presentations
Please read through all of the instructions before you begin. This assignment is divided into two parts
which includes a group work and individual work.
The purpose of the presentations is to help develop students’ critical thinking. Having class participation,
in the form of presentations, is important for student learning as it helps to engage students with peers
and course content.
You will be assessed on how you apply an understanding of the following general learning outcomes:
- apply the nursing process to the maternity client
- integrate nursing of the family and nurse/client synergy to maternity nursing care
- apply the principles of teaching and learning to help with health promotion for the maternity
client - incorporate research findings in evidence-informed practice in the delivery of maternity nursing
care - identify the legal and ethical principles, and cultural competency in the care of the maternity
client and the family
Part 1 – Group Presentation
- You will be placed into presentation groups by your instructor. These groups will be generated
randomly in Moodle. - Groups will be given an assigned week to present on a topic, and will be required to:
a. present a multimedia presentation in a discussion forum in Moodle
b. provide two relevant discussion questions for the class
c. moderate their discussions for the assigned week - As a group, pick a topic from the list below that is of interest. However, if there is an alternate
trend, current issue, journal article, or news report that the group is interested in, please
contact the instructor to discuss your alternate topic. The available topics below will be treated
on a first come, first served basis. Groups must sign- up with the instructor once a presentation
topic is chosen. Available topics include:
- Breast Milk Banks
- Kangaroo Care
- Male Oral Contraceptives
- Da Vinci (robotic surgery) in Women’s health.
- Surrogacy
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- In Vitro fertilization
- Use of Doulas in Labour
- Underwater births
- Delayed cord clamping
- Placental encapsulation
- Cord blood banking
- Routine fetal monitoring in labour
- Role of Father’s in prenatal care including labor/delivery
- Postpartum experiences around the world (e.g., Finland-baby boxes)
- Consider the following points in writing your presentation questions:
- What is the future trend/article about?
- How does it/will it benefit women’s health?
- Are there any detriments?
- Is this currently a trend or issue in Alberta?
- What are your thoughts on this future trend?
- The group is to create a multimedia presentation based on the topic chosen. Ensure to include
the following criteria is included:
a. Presentation will be approximately 10 minutes in length (10-12 slides not including title
and references slides)
b. All group members are expected to contribute to the presentation; workload must be
distributed evenly
c. Provide two relevant questions about your topic to facilitate a class discussion
d. All group members must monitor their own discussion questions as moderators for the
week by answering questions, and providing general feedback to responses. It is
expected you will:
i. divide the work amongst your group members, to monitor and
moderate your discussion
ii. respond respectfully to peers
iii. engage with responses posted to your questions
iv. offer alternate explanations if someone disagrees on your
group’s perspective
e. Include proper APA format for sources cited
- The presentation and discussion questions are due by Monday, 16:00 MST, in your assigned
week. Follow these instructions for submitting your presentation:
a. One person from your group will post the presentation to the assigned presentation
forum in Moodle
b. Click to open your presentation forum, then click “Add a new discussion topic”
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c. Provide an appropriate title for your topic presentation in the “Subject” box
d. Provide the two discussion questions and all your group names in the “Message” box
e. Upload the multimedia presentation file as an attachment
f. Click “Post to forum”
- Your initial discussion post is due by Monday, 4:00 pm, MST, of your assigned discussion week.
Part 2 – Responding individually to a Group Presentation Question (At least 3 responses in total for the
It is expected that you will individually and consistently participate each week outside of your assigned
presentation week. This will be done by responding to and engaging with one presentation based on
your interest in a topic. Participation in the group presentations can occur at any time while the topic is
active. The discussion guidelines are listed below. - View/read through all of the presentations posted each week.
- Choose a post from your discussion group and respond to one question from that peer group.
- Your individual response to a peer group’s question should be approximately 150-250 words in
length. - It is expected that your weekly responses will contribute to furthering new ideas and knowledge
with your peers. Be mindful to:
a. respond respectfully; respect the work of the groups, you are responding to a
presentation question, not specific people in the group
b. be direct in responding to one question
c. respect responses of other peers, it is okay to have different views - Your individual response to one question each week is due by Friday, 16:00, MST.
Submission requirements:
- Submit your group presentation in the Moodle discussion student forum as outlined above.
- Submit your individual, weekly response in the Moodle discussion student forums as outlined
You will be assessed using the assignment rubrics. The rubric is located as a PDF file in the group
presentation dropbox. Feedback about your presentation and participation will be provided in Moodle

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