MOS 4422 Case Write-up #2

Each student will prepare two, four-page maximum, single-sided, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch bordered case write-ups. Each student will prepare the same case. The case will be comprehensive and relate to the theory presented during the lectures. You will be evaluated based on how well you use the concepts and terms from the class to identify and then solve the proper governance issue(s) in the case as well as for providing clear recommendations to address the issues and the justification for your recommendations. These recommendations should state what the issue is, why it is a governance problem and how, specifically, to solve it. It is important that your analysis be at the right level meaning it addresses governance issues with governance best practice solutions – not at the operational level. I expect you to apply the correct concepts, the right way to address the most pressing issues. Students who simply provide a “list” of governance best practices without prioritizing the issues will not do well. You must think then make your recommendations, not just repeat what I have told you.
Alberta Theatre Projects: Governance in Times of Crisis – To get the case free, drop us an email
Even if a Write-up is handed in 10 or more days late (resulting in a grade of zero due to penalties), the Write-ups must be completed to pass the course.
Students’ written work is expected to be completely free of spelling or grammatical errors and will be evaluated by the following scale, regardless of content.
- 5 errors – overall grade reduced by 25%
- 5-10 – overall grade reduced by 50%
- > 10 – overall grade = zero
Spelling and grammar count in the real world. If you cannot communicate your ideas clearly they will be ignored, regardless of their quality. You must learn to be a professional in all your assignments.
Related: (Solution) MOS 4422 Case Write-up #1 Corporate Governance
Alberta Theatre Projects, a non-profit performing arts organization, was confident that they would be out of debt by the new millennium. The organization had had small surpluses throughout the 1990s, and they had expected that by the close of that decade, they would be able to clear their debts. However, during the 1998/99 season, the organization started experiencing tough financial times. They went into deep debt, which threatened their continued operations. This analysis will seek to identify corporate governance issues that may have led them to a struggling status and provide justification as to why these are governance issues. It will also provide recommendations that would help resolve the identified governance issues.
- Board Meeting attendance.
The board meetings at ATP happened monthly. However, there is an issue with the board members prioritizing these meetings, and attendance drops to 50% in summer. Low attendance is possibly the reason why the meetings are considered effective, with only one board member voting against a motion in the previous year. The board members need to understand the organization’s strategic goals, and they can only do this if they attend meetings and, therefore, avoid making their decisions out of ignorance.
Recommendations: Each board member should be required to attend a certain minimum number of meetings per year. In addition, each board member should be part of a committee that seeks to achieve certain specific goals; that way, they are actively engaged in driving the organization toward financial health…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10