MGMT8590 Report 1 – Needs Assessment Section

Summary Video Link provided by Professor:

Topic of Focus; Patients experience Pain during wait times for knee replacement surgery

8-10 References

Use the articles from Canada instead of any other country

Sample reference 1: The impact of wait time on patient outcomes in knee and hip replacement surgery: a scoping review protocol.

Sample Reference 2

Stakeholders List;

  • Health care providers
  • Surgeons and physicians of Ontario
  • Patients and their family members
  • Ontario Health teams
  • Ministry of Health
  • project advisory committee

The group members will discuss the material from Assignment 1 and identify a topic of focus for the Capstone project. Each group member will be responsible to write one section of Report 1.  The sections of the report are:

Needs assessment
project charter,
vision framework, and
gantt chart and budget.
If there are 5 in the group, a case study will be added as a section.

Each group member will submit the full report including all 4 (or 5 if a 5-member group) sections noted above merged into a professionally formatted report which clearly identifies which group member wrote each element.   The report must include appropriate APA formatted citations and references.

All group members will work together to ensure that all the deliverables are related to the same idea or proposed solution. The coordination of information will be completed in meetings which involve your Professor as well as additional group meetings and communications among group members outside of these formal meetings.  


Ensure that all of your group members full names are on the first page of the report and it is clear which group member wrote each section of the report.
The report should be submitted using a professional format rather than an academic format. Word templates can be utilized. APA format for referencing and citations is required.
Each section will will be roughly 4 pages in length plus references.  The length will vary by section and depends on the professional formatting choices.  Please ensure contents of the section are thorough and follow the directions provided (see videos related to each section).
Each section must have its own citations and references.  Each section must have at least one reference.  Some sections will have more references than others due to the required elements of each.  Please consult the section videos and your Professor for further guidance.
The combined report must include a Title Page, Table of Contents and Executive Summary for the full report.

You will notice that each of the sections of Report 1 includes a requirement for the section to be about 4 pages with 4 new good quality references.  This is a guideline as opposed to a requirement.  There are some sections that will require more references and others that will require less.  There are some sections that may be a bit less than 4 pages and some that might be a bit more.  The objective is to produce a quality, thorough, well researched and well thought out section of the report with supporting references as required.  You need to exercise professional judgement to know what is the right amount of support needed.  That might mean differences between the sections related to references and page length.  For example

The Needs Assessment, since this section is research based, will have more references and data that may require using some of the references from Assignment 1 plus additional resources that may be reputable web sites, journal articles, and government reports and be around 4 pages to ensure it is thorough.
The Project Charter may have whatever references are required to fully describe the project and be about 4 pages.
The Vision Framework may be a bit less than 4 pages and have few references but must address formatting of this section to ensure alignment of each element is demonstrated and includes thorough analysis of all required elements.
The Gantt Chart and Budget section might be a bit less than 4 pages but, since every item in the budget needs to be referenced, it will have more than 4 references and they may be web sites.    
The Case Study will reference at least the case study articles and will likely be about 4 pages.
Note: At a minimum, each section must have at least 1 reference.  Sections of Report 1 do NOT need to be double spaced – your group should decide on professional formatting and use that format consistently.


Patients Experience Pain during Wait Time for Knee Replacement Surgery


Knee and hip replacement surgery is a standard surgical technique that helps the bulk of people with severe knee osteoarthritis, among other arthritis, to have excellent pain relief and acceptable performance recovery. Total hip and whole knee replacement surgery, on the other hand, is in great demand, resulting in significant wait periods for many individuals. Waiting patients may face more considerable pain, decreased mobility, and declining health. To maintain a high quality of life, accessing knee replacement surgery is critical for individuals suffering from osteoarthritis. For many patients suffering from osteoarthritis, knee replacement surgery would be their only choice for relieving pain, improving mobility, and improving their capacity to self-manage. Persons suffering from osteoarthritis must have access to hip or knee surgery during the critical period. Given the regular occurrence of extended wait periods for knee replacement surgeries, it is crucial to study how patients’ well-being fluctuates throughout the waiting time and if this influences patient outcomes following surgery. This paper reports how wait time during a knee replacement surgery causes more pain and may also affect patients’ post-surgery recovery…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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