Labr 3P13 Final Paper

Assignment Details:

During this course we have examined how labour unions, politics and community groups have
fought for and protected workers’ rights. While there has been much advancement in protecting
the rights of workers, lots remain to be done.
Write a 1000-1500 word essay on what more can be done to advocate for a specific group of
marginalized workers (ie migrant workers, gig or temp workers, students, etc). Identify some of
the challenges this group face, what has been done thus far and what more can be done to help
these workers within unions, workplaces and the political realm.
For example, if you select migrant workers, you can discuss some of the policies that exist to
protect workers, the limitations and what more can be done on various levels. Please refer to at
least two readings from this course as well as alternative sources. Sources can be a mixture of
academic and non-academic so long as you are using proper citations.

All essays should be in size 12, Times New Roman font and double spaced. Please use proper
APA citations. Citation information can be found here:

Choose a group of workers (migrant farmers, temporary workers, sex workers, gig-workers etc)
and write a 1000-1500 word essay on what more can be done to advocate for workers within that
sphere. Identify some of the challenges these groups face, what has been done thus far and what
more can be done to help these workers within unions, workplaces and the political realm.


Labour unions and political reforms aimed at improving labour cater to different groups to ensure better working conditions and employee compensation. Gig workers are one of the groups affected by these policies and legislations on minimum wage, safe working conditions and treatment of the employees. Over time, gig or temporary labour has changed from unorganized, undocumented to more inclusive practices that accommodate this group’s issues. However, like many labour policies, various challenges have not been resolved, and more attention is needed to deal with the problems. At the same time, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed how companies view their employees and organize work, significantly affecting gig workers. A review of the existing challenges, proposals, and efforts inform the future directions labour unions, organizations, ministry and gig workers can take to ensure compliance with current standards…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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