Assignment: Reflection on Current Trends

The boat drifts. Depending on the scope of our view, we can see the patterns inherent in one particular group, a nation, or, as Hans Rosling demonstrated on the previous page, the whole world. The final assignment for this unit asks you to reflect on your individual perspective as a member of this vast community of humans, 7 billion and counting.

After watching The Story of Stuff, reading about the Happy Planet Index (HPI), and watching Hans Rosling’s New Insights on Poverty TED talk, reflect on how you feel about your sense of place in the world. Where do you see the current global trends leading? Are you hopeful? Afraid? Are there any surprises that have come up during the course of this unit that have changed how you think? Are there any changes you are inspired to make? Do you feel that climate change is a major factor when comparing the standard of living between disenfranchised groups and those in positions of power?

Write a personal reflection of about 500 words. Be sure to make reference to the course material in your reflection.

To get a better idea of what is expected from you for this assignment, review the rubric in the assignment dropbox. Contact your teacher for clarification of assignment expectations and with questions related to this assignment.

See also: (Solution) HSB4U Assignment: Country Comparison


After watching The Story of Stuff, and Hans Rosling’s New Insights on Poverty TED
talk, and reading about the Happy Planet Index (HPI), I believe the ideas presented are all
authentic. What determines our position in the world today is how we handle it and how we
conduct ourselves as individuals. I am hopeful that more and more people are adjusting their
lifestyles in order to benefit the environment. I believe that long-term global trends will reduce
the overall effect of current climate change and, as a result, will bring it to a stop. On the other
hand, Larger businesses are harming the planet with their manufacturing techniques and are
hesitant to change their practices because of their success. This gives me pause for thought
about the ramifications that will be brought up in the next free decades…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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