Health Assessment Scenario Assignment Group Project


Accurate, comprehensive health assessment is foundational to nursing practice. For this group project, you will be:

  • creating a client that will integrate components of a comprehensive health history.
  • Demonstrate a focused health assessment,
  • Demonstrate/verbalize SBAR reporting.
  • Provide feedback.
  • Complete self-reflection.

This assignment relates to the following course learning outcomes.

  • Demonstrate the systematic health assessment of an adult client.
  • Demonstrate a health history interview of a client.
  • Demonstrate the physical assessment of an adult client.
  • Demonstrate reporting and reflection of practice.

There are 2 parts to this assignment. Completion of both parts of this assignment is mandatory. Failure to participate or submit either component will result in a “0”.

Important: If you do not participate in the actual multimedia presentation in some capacity, the individual will be assigned a grade of 0 for this part of the assignment.

  1. Part one will be completed as a group.
  • Part two will be individually completed.

Your instructor will provide 2 deadlines (due dates) for this assignment.

  • Submission of the Client Summary Overview and Voicethread Multimedia/ Video submission. This also includes identification of the priority system to be assessed.
  • Completion of individual feedback and reflection.

Ensure that you review the marking rubrics for this assignment prior to starting.

PART ONE: To be completed as a group

  • Your instructor will set up Moodle to randomly assign student groups of 4-5.

Note: If for any cultural practices or beliefs you wish to be reassigned to an alternative group, please reach out to your instructor. We wish to respect and support you in this learning process.

If your assigned group is having challenges with collaboration and equitable distribution of responsibility, do not hesitate to reach out to your instructor.

The class will be provided with a selection of short video clips/images. Choose one which your group will base your scenario on. (See attachment)

Based upon the video clip/image chosen, your group will:

  • Create your own client overview/summary,
  • Create a video/multimedia presentation demonstrating all components of a focused priority health assessment.

The client overview/summary will be submitted to moodle dropbox.

The recorded multimedia presentation will be uploaded to Voicethread.

Assignment Resources on using Voicethread, creating presentations, and collaboration have been provided as an attachment.

Additional resources that you will find valuable include.

  • Jarvis Textbook
  • Essential Collection videos. (In the case of discrepancies, the Jarvis textbook will be considered correct.
  • Lab skill checklists – the objective component of this assignment will be based upon the lab checklists. (Please note: Skill checklists will be valuable for your practice, but should not be visible during the multimedia presentation)

PART 2: To be completed individually.

The individual component of the assignment will require you to provide feedback to 2 other group submissions on Voicethread. Feedback must be completed on Voicethread.

Once you have provided feedback, the student will complete a reflection of practice using the template provided and submit to the Moodle drop box.


Once you have been assigned to a group, it is recommended that you meet to discuss your plan.

Review the marking rubric for the detailed expectations of this assignment.

We have provided you with a BBU (Blackboard Ultra) student meeting space on moodle, or you can arrange to meet in person, via Teams, Zoom, WhatsApp, or an alternative source of your choosing. It is recommended that you meet regularly as a group to work on this assignment. Creativity is encouraged!

This assignment gain experience in navigating multidisciplinary collaborative practice. Working as a group enhances teamwork, responsibility, accountability and respect for each other.

Individual contributions to your group must be divided equally among the members. If this is a challenge for your group, please contact your instructor. Your instructor is here to support and explore strategies for successful collaboration.

PART 1A.  Client Overview/ Summary Creation

  • Review the image/ video clips that have been provided as a “starting point” for your scenario. See attachment within this assignment dropbox.
  • Choose an image or video clip.
  • IF your group would like to use an alternative video clip or image, you MUST receive instructor approval.
  • As a group, create your Client Overview/Scenario based upon your choice of image or video clip. The purpose of this overview is to provide your group with foundational health information for your client, and to further integrate and apply health history components into a client situation. This client overview will help create the “blueprint” for your video submission.
  • Use the attached Client Summary template as a guide. (See moodle attachment).
  • Some components of the client overview information you create should relate/align to your image or video clip chosen.
  • Be creative! (For example, if your video clip has a client with ear pain, you may have your client have environmental allergies, or history of frequent ear infections as a child. Perhaps, they teach swimming lessons part-time)
  • Client scenario created should include: (See template)
    • Client Biographical information, including name, DOB, Gender
  • Allergies- All types (and reaction)
  • Medications (prescription, over the counter ( OTC), herbal, supplements, vitamins)
  • Current health history
  • Past medical history
  • Family medical history
  • Social /work environment
  • Health promotion/ Lifestyle activities
  • The client summary may identify multiple health concerns.
  • The group will only be required to assess the priority health system of concern.
  • The priority assessment should be one of the following: Abdominal, Cardiac, Respiratory, Neurological, HEENT (Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Throat), or Musculoskeletal.

Note: Review of Unit 1 learning resources will assist with this Client Summary.

Submit the Client Overview/Summary to the moodle dropbox. Only 1 submission will be required for each group. This should be submitted prior to the due date of the group multimedia presentation on Voicethread.

PART 1 B: Multimedia Submission.

Once you have created your client overview/summary, your group is now ready to create your multimedia presentation.

This presentation can be in any multimedia format.

  • (PowerPoint, with additional voice over, one video or combination of small clips, or combination of both).
  • The objective assessment must be demonstrated using a video created by your group.

Important: Students are not allowed to use Norquest labs for recording of this group presentation.

The group may use any of the many online presentation tools available on the internet. We have provided you with some Multimedia Resources. (See attachment) The choice is up to your group. If you are unsure, please touch base with your instructor.

  • Review the rubric.
  • The multimedia presentation should be approximately 15 minutes in length (+/-2 minutes)
  • All presentations must be correctly identified by group name on the title of the multimedia presentation upon submission in Voicethread.
  • The multimedia presentation should include ALL members of the group. (Audio or video contribution)
  • All members must introduce themselves and their role in the presentation at the beginning of the multimedia presentation. (Photo, name, and role playing)

o You may create different roles; nurse/s, patient (or voice of patient), family member, narrator, final report nurse.

o You may also switch out a role part way through. The format and roles will be determined by your group.

  • Completion of Vital signs will NOT be an expectation for this video. You may verbalize findings if you choose. (optional)
  • It is expected that your “client will have pain”. A comprehensive pain assessment is a requirement of the rubric.
  • Confirm allergies and any reaction.
  • You may use a manikin if you choose for your client/patient. If a manikin is used, you must still demonstrate accurate visualization and landmarking. Instruction for creating a manikin can be found in the Lab orientation book on Moodle.

o NOTE: There are privacy concerns for scenarios that require a Cardiac or Respiratory scenario. These systems require assessment directly on skin around the thorax. Any objective assessments for these systems should be completed with a manikin or student wearing a T-Shirt.

o ALL Landmarks must be corrected identified on T shirt or manikin. If this is the situation, you must identify/verbalize on the video that you should be assessing directly on skin as this is a requirement for correct technique.

Here are some examples:

  • Expectations for the multimedia presentation include:
  • Verbal overview of your patient. This will be a report based upon your client summary.
  • Should include background information, current medical status, and chief complaint.
  • Patient safety components- Hand hygiene, verbalization of bed rails and call bell as required at the beginning and end of the focused assessment.
  • Assessment of allergies and reactions . o LOC and Orientation

o  Pain assessment (OPQRSTUV)- client should have pain.

o It is an expectation that the nurse (or another group member) verbalizes

  • what the nurse is assessing,
  • the technique,
  • rationale for the assessments needed and the descriptors for the findings.
  • Include focused subjective questions and follow up questions
    • (Minimum of 3 – see rubric)
  • Objective assessments.
    • should be accurately with correct technique.
  • findings verbalized for
  • Inspection
  • Palpation
  • Auscultation or other specific tests as indicated by patient scenario (such as Cranial nerves, muscle strength, Eye tests)
  • SBAR- Summarize and report your findings at the conclusion of the assessment.

(Think of this as a report to another staff member)

  • Upload your multimedia presentation to Voicethread.

NOTE: Narrative documentation on a client care record is not a requirement for this assignment.

Complete Part 2 of this assignment.

Detailed Instructions can be found Assignment 2 Health Assessment Scenario Part 2, Individual Component.

This part of the of the assignment includes, individual Voicethread feedback and Self-reflection.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your instructor.


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