All three Answered – NGR5110 Module 1: Discussion Forum #1

For each Discussion Forum, please use at least 3 references in strict APA format for your original post. SELECT TWO OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. RESTATE THE QUESTION YOU SELECTED IN THE DISCUSSION FORUM.

Question: One of the most important issues facing nursing is the artificial separation of theory and practice. Discuss how nursing theory informs practice and how nursing practice informs theory.

Question: Develop a timeline for the evolution of nursing as a science. 

Question: Explain the structure of knowledge in the discipline of nursing and the value of each level of development in advancing nursing education, research, and practice.


Question 1: One of the most important issues facing nursing is the artificial separation of theory and practice. Discuss how nursing theory informs practice and how nursing practice informs theory.

Nursing theory and practice are closely connected, though they are sometimes treated as separate. Nursing theory provides a structured framework that guides how nurses approach patient care. These theories offer principles and models that help nurses make decisions and deliver consistent care. For example, Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring emphasizes the importance of compassion and connection in patient care, which helps nurses understand and apply these values in their daily interactions with patients (Watson, 2008).

On the other hand, practical nursing experiences can highlight limitations or gaps in existing theories. When nurses face new challenges or observe different patient needs, they can provide feedback that helps refine and update nursing theories…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $5

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