Personal Reflections on Strategy

Read the initial chapters (1-3) of Edmonson (2018) and review the resources about Michael Porter’s view of strategy.  Answer one of the following questions in a post of approximately 300 words. Create a response post to at least two peers, approximately 150 words each.  Apply APA format to your discussion post and your peer responses.

Chapter 1 – What is your understanding of strategy and how does the content of this chapter expand or change that understanding?  How does this author’s view of strategy compare to Michael Porter’s, described in the articles and videos posted to BrightSpace?

Chapter 2– Reflecting on the different categories of stakeholders presented in chapter 2, reflect about the type of stakeholder role have you most frequently played within an organization.  Describe your current role within your organization and the level of responsibility you currently have in the strategy-making process. How is your role contributing to the overall goals and success of your organization? 

Chapter 3 – Option A:  Take a free version of the MBTI (available through  Reflecting on your results and the MBTI decision-making styles handout, describe your preferred decision-making style.  How does this style influence your contributions in a strategic planning process? What are growth steps for you to become more skilled in effective decision-making? Option B:  If you’ve taken the Clifton Strengths, identify your top 5 strengths, and explain how you typically leverage these strengths as a resource in strategic planning.  Be specific, and provide examples. If you haven’t taken the Clifton Strengths assessment, you can take it for $19.99 at this website

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