BUS543 Week 5 Discussion – Promoting With Video

After reviewing this week’s course material and watching this week’s Jon Steinberg video, respond to the following in (1–2 paragraphs) or record a video (less than three minutes). Make sure to apply your post to your current or future business:

Post a Response

Please Respond to the following:

  1. Discuss the type of engaging video content you would develop to capture your audience’s attention, maintain their interest, and lead them to your predetermined call to action. This could include short-form video, long-form video, on-demand video, and/or live streaming.
  2. List a few preproduction strategies you would use to prepare for creating, editing, and posting your video content.

All discussion responses can be video or text submissions, this will offer you an opportunity to practice and improve your communication skills. Refer to the following resource for instructions to submit a response video:

Respond to a Peer

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

  • Read a post by one of your peers and provide a substantive response, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Solution – Week 5 Discussion – Promoting With Video

Hello Team,

To grab my audience’s attention and keep them hooked, I’d mix up different types of video content, depending on what’s going to work best for each platform and message. Here’s how I’d break it down:

Types of Video Content:

  1. Short-Form Videos (30-60 seconds):
    Quick, punchy videos are perfect for Instagram or TikTok. These would be teasers or snippets that get straight to the point and spark curiosity. The goal is to get viewers intrigued enough to take the next step—whether that’s checking out my website or signing up for something free.
  2. Long-Form Videos (5-10 minutes):
    These are for YouTube or any platform where people are ready to sit down and really learn something. I’d do deep dives into…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the FULL ANSWER at only $5

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