Week 10 Discussion – The Role of an Innovator

After reviewing this week’s course material and watching the Jon Steinberg video, respond to the following in (1–2 paragraphs) or record a video (less than three minutes). Make sure to apply your post to your current or future business:

Please Respond to the following:

  1. How has disruptive technology, innovative business practices, and change management strategies created new value drivers that are changing the competitive nature of the traditional business model?
  2. Both the course material and Jon’s video discuss the disruptive phenomenon and identify several organizations that have radically changed their industries. Select one of these companies and share your perspective on why their innovative approach revolutionized their industry.

All discussion responses can be video or text submissions, this will offer you an opportunity to practice and improve your communication skills. Refer to the following resource for instructions to submit a response video:

Respond to a Peer

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

  • Read a post by one of your peers and provide a substantive response, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Related: (Solution) BUS543 Week 11 Discussion – Wrap-Up and Reflection

Solution – Week 10 Discussion – The Role of an Innovator

Hello classmates and Professor,

When businesses adopt disruptive technology and innovative business practices, such as arsenic change management, they fundamentally reshape traditional business models by introducing new ways to deliver value and adapt to market demands. After reviewing Netflix’s practices, I see that the company set an example for many companies by adopting new technologies on time. The shift from a DVD rental service to a streaming leader resulted from the strategic change to provide instant content access, disrupting traditional rental models and removing late fees. Further action by Netflix, investing in original content…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the FULL ANSWER at only $5

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