Week 10 Assignment – Business Analysis

Week 10 Assignment - Business Analysis


Throughout the quarter, you’ve been discussing operations at digital media businesses. You’ve looked at some companies that have not done well, and hopefully, you’ve learned some lessons reviewing these cases. You’ve also considered several companies that have done well in this sector, spearheading major changes within various industries.

For this assignment, you will conduct your own investigation. Use your business, one you hope to open in the future, or another innovative company of your choice as the basis of this assignment by analyzing and writing a case study about it. This is a great opportunity for you to think about and research exactly how you would want your company to be or how you think the company you selected will perform in the future.

If you find yourself struggling with your choice, you could also choose the organization that you currently work for or another innovative startup. Consider the following list for inspiration:

For your convenience, a template is provided for you to complete this assignment. Please submit your assignment using this template, adhering to Strayer Writing Standards (SWS), as required for all Strayer University writing assignments.


You will prepare a case study using the Business Analysis Template Download Business Analysis Template. Your responses to the following items should result in a template that is 5–6 pages in length (not including the title and Sources pages).

  1. Executive Summary: (Write 1–2 paragraphs) Summarize what your case study is about. Your Summary should consist of the following elements:
    1. Provide a brief statement that summarizes the mission statement of your business.
    2. Provide a summary of the company background, problem statements, and competitive advantage.
    3. Summarize the purpose of this case study and highlight the major elements to be discussed in this report.
    4. Include additional information from the course material and other supporting research.
  2. Introduction to the Business: (Write two paragraphs) Provide background information about what this business is, does, and how it got started.
    1. Include additional information from the course material and other supporting research.
    2. Provide detailed instances and scope.
  3. Needs Analysis: (Write 2-3 paragraphs) Discuss the current needs, wants, or challenges your business model is attempting to satisfy for your target audience.
    1. Identify how these needs have changed (or will change) in the industry served by your business concept.
    2. Include additional information from the course material and other supporting research.
    3. Provide detailed instances and scope.
  4. Innovative Management: (Write 2–3 paragraphs) Explain how implementing innovative technology, a change management culture, and agile processes and procedures could enhance the customer experience and create a competitive advantage in your industry.
    1. Include additional information from the course material and other supporting research.
    2. Provide detailed instances and scope.
  5. Performance/Results: (Write 2-3 paragraphs) Describe the key performance indicators (KPI’s) your business will track and identify the analytical tools your company will monitor to measure your operational results.
    1. Your response must include specific data or key metrics to demonstrate the results you identify.
    2. Include additional information from the course material and other supporting research.
    3. Provide detailed instances and scope.
  6. Recommendations/Conclusions/Key Takeaways: (Write 2-3 paragraphs) Outline the high-level recommendations you would suggest for this business moving forward.
    1. Outline the first actions your business should focus on to spearhead innovation and change management practices to maximize customer value and your competitive advantage.
    2. Discuss how you could apply a lesson learned review process of both your operational successes and failures to direct future change management practices.
    3. Include additional information from the course material and other supporting research.
    4. Provide detailed instances and scope.

Use three quality sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. Produce writing that contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling in accordance with SWS style.

Help Resources

The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Evaluate data collection practices and analytical systems for measuring, monitoring, and reporting on key performance indicators of a content marketing strategy.
  • Develop a case study that identifies a content messaging strategy, content distribution platforms, and client management practices that you would implement for your business concept.

Related: (Solution) BUS543 Week 11 Discussion – Wrap-Up and Reflection

Solution – Week 10 Assignment – Business Analysis

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