Assignment: Generational Dialogue

The changing demographic profile of the Canadian population has an effect on educational facilities, pensions, employment opportunities and the healthcare system.

Research one of the above, and use your research to write a fictional dialogue between a sterotypical baby boomer and a stereotypical member of generation X or the millenial generation.

Through your dialogue, be sure to demonstrate that you have considered the psychological, cultural and sociological factors that would shape the understanding and framing of the issue from different viewpoints. Also be sure to demonstrate that you understand the issue you chose, and how the changes affect each generation.

Reflection: Along with your dialogue, include a short written reflection about what interested or surprised you about studying demographics.

Option: You are welcome to record this dialogue with a friend instead of submitting a paper copy. If you do so, be sure to review how to submit audio and video files in the introduction unit.

Length: 750-1000 words

To get a better idea of what is expected from you for this assignment, review the rubric in the assignment dropbox. Contact your teacher for clarification of assignment expectations and with questions related to this assignment.


Over the past decades, Canadian society has experienced demographic changes, which
have affected how people view different profiles of society. With a population of 37.6 million
people in 2019, Canada has a growth increase of 1.4% annually due to the high number of
immigrants (Noelker et al. 2006). Demographic changes have affected the economy’s growth rate,
living standards, consumption, structural productivity growth, and investments. In the long run,
the changes affect the employment rate, demand for financial assets, and the housing sector’s
market trends. The change in a country’s racial and ethnic structure brings greater challenges to
public schools and society.
Stereotypical baby boomers view learning as the option to learn basic values and
standards, while the millennial generation focuses on a more defined learning mode; hence, k-12
education should be incorporated into the life and acquire career skills (Gencarelli & Cogan,
2014)…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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