(Solution) Final Exam: Business Ethics 2074F

Final Exam: Business Ethics 2074F Question 1 is worth 10%; questions 2 and 3 are each worth 20%; questions 4 and 5 are each worth 25%.  1. Explain Kant’s two formulations of the categorical imperative, outlining how Kant uses one of these formulations to show why it...

(Solution) Second Essay Assignment: Philosophy 2074F

Second Essay Assignment: Philosophy 2074F Essay topics For the second paper you can write on any of the themes we investigated following your first paper. These themes include, international sweatshops, distributive justice, advertising, employee rights and worker...

(Solution) First Essay Assignment: Philosophy 2074F

First Essay Assignment: Philosophy 2074F Essay topic One of the central debates in business ethics concerns the nature of corporate social responsibility—specifically, whether corporate executives/managers have moral obligations which go beyond maximizing profit for...

(Solution) Discussion Question 4 covering Lectures 7 and 8

Discussion Question 4 covering Lectures 7 and 8 Question 1 – Cavell on “Re-marriage” How convinced are you by Cavell’s proposals here? Is there anything in the Cavell text that allows us to gain further insights about cinema’s affinity...

(Solution) The Male Gaze

The Male Gaze How convinced are you by Laura Mulvey’s arguments about classical Hollywood film’s reproduction of the male gaze? What films you’ve seen fit into this category? Which maybe do not? Solution Sample Response 1 I think Mulvey’s essay...
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