ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS-PART 1 You have been hired by a midsize copper smelting company in northern Canada to act as a consultant and help the executive team determine its best course of action on a major decision. Due to some recent...
Week 4 Discussion – Minimal Viable Product After reviewing this week’s course material and watching the Jon Steinberg video, respond to the following in writing (1–2 paragraphs) or record a video (less than three minutes). Make sure to apply your post to...
Week 3 Activity – Customer Satisfaction Question Details Based upon this week’s readings and the Jon Steinberg presentation, answer the following questions in a 1–2 paragraph response: This week you examined strategies for identifying the underserved needs...
Week 3 Discussion – Target Customers After reviewing this week’s course material and watching the Jon Steinberg video, respond to the following in writing (1–2 paragraphs) or record a video (less than three minutes). Make sure to apply your post to your...
Week 2 Activity – Problem Space Details Based upon this week’s readings and the Jon Steinberg presentation, answer the following questions in a 1–2 paragraph response: Everyone wants to get their product or service to the marketplace as soon as possible....