MOS3370 Chapter 1 Practice Problems

Question 1 – The Sports Network (TSN), a Canadian television network

The Sports Network (TSN), a Canadian television network, broadcasts a variety of content, including sporting events (e.g., baseball, basketball, football, golf, hockey), feature programs (e.g., That’s Hockey), and news broadcasts (e.g., Sports Desk). Managing a major television network such as TSN very frequently involves planning, directing and motivating, controlling, and decision making. Indeed, networks such as TSN deliver new program content to viewers on a daily basis, with some content, such as sports news broadcasts, changing as the day unfolds. Managing this type of organization is highly challenging and dynamic.


For each of the four functions performed by managers (planning, directing and motivating, controlling, and decision making), identify three examples of activities managers at a television network such as TSN would likely engage in.

Question 2 – Assume that you are the chairman of the Department of Accountancy

Assume that you are the chairman of the Department of Accountancy at Central Manitoba University. One of the accounting professors in your department, Dr. Smith, has been uniformly regarded by students as an awful teacher for more than 10 years. Other accounting professors within your department have observed Dr. Smith’s classroom teaching and they concur that his teaching skills are very poor. However, Dr. Smith was granted tenure 15 years ago, thereby ensuring him life-long job security at Central Manitoba University.

Much to your surprise, today you received a phone call from an accounting professor at B.C. University. During this phone call you are informed that B.C. University is on the verge of making a job offer to Dr. Smith. However, before extending the job offer, the faculty at B.C. University wants your input regarding Dr. Smith’s teaching effectiveness while at Central Manitoba University.


How would you respond to the professor from B.C. University? What would you say about Dr. Smith’s teaching ability? Would you describe your answer to this inquiry as being ethical? Why?

Question 3 – It is now common for companies to regularly report their corporate social responsibility

It is now common for companies to regularly report their corporate social responsibility performance. Such CSR reports include information on environmental performance (e.g., emissions, water consumption, recycling initiatives, use of green suppliers, etc.) and social performance (e.g., workplace safety training, diversity hiring practices, involvement with local charities, etc.). This trend is generally considered to be a very positive change relative to a sole focus on financial performance. However, critics have suggested that some companies are engaging in “greenwashing,” whereby they are using CSR reports to appear more environmentally responsible than they actually are, or to exaggerate claims about the extent of their social responsibility. These concerns have merit, because unlike financial reporting CSR reporting is not regulated by law or subject to mandatory audits by a third party.


1. What incentives do companies have to engage in greenwashing or to overstate their claims about being socially responsible?

2. What controls could management put in place to increase the likelihood that the company actually engages in environmentally and socially responsible activities? 

See also: (Solution) MOS3370 Chapter 2 Practice Problems

100% Correct Answer with Explanation – Chapter 1 Practice Problems

Question 1

Answer to examples of activities managers at a television network such as TSN would likely engage in

Some possible examples for each activity:

Planning activities:

  1. Estimating the advertising revenues for a future period.
  2. Scheduling the designated broadcast time slot for games, special programming, news shows, etc.
  3. Estimating total expenses for future periods including salaries of news desk anchors, play-by-play analysts, researchers, camera crew personnel, etc.

Directing and motivating activities:

  • Scheduling news desk anchors for each day’s news broadcasts.
  • Assigning camera crew employees to cover specific events (e.g., games, press conferences, etc.).
  • Reviewing scripts used by news desk anchors for accuracy, clarity, etc.
  • Providing performance incentives for news anchors based on viewership numbers.

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