(Solution) BUSI 5413 Research Proposal Paper

Research Proposal Specifications 

Student Learning Goal 

Students will demonstrate an advanced understanding of essential research and statistical methods appropriate for a theoretical study of a problem of their choice.  For this project the student will select a research problem and outline how they would go about collecting data on that topic. From there they must explain and defend their research methodology and show how the potential findings of the research could be used in future decision making.

The Research Proposal is an individual assignment.  Collaboration with current or past participants is strictly prohibited. 

This is a theoretical exercise to show that you understand the concepts involved in collecting and conducting research and interpreting statistics for problem solving.

Student do not need to conduct any of the proposed surveys/interviews/data collection to complete this assignment.

Purpose Of A Research Proposal

All research proposals are designed to persuade someone that you are capable of conducting research that will provide new information or insight on a particular issue. With this proposal, the student should identify a problem, and propose research which would allow them to gather more information to be used in solving that problem.

Research Proposal Objectives

  • Relevance – Convince the reader that you have the expertise to conduct this research and that the results will inform them on a particular issue.
  • Context – Demonstrate that you are familiar with the subject, understand the current state of research on the topic, and that your ideas have a strong academic basis.
  • Approach – Make a case for your methodology, showing that you have carefully thought about the data, tools, and procedures you will need to conduct the research.
  • Feasibility – Confirm that the project is possible within the practical constraints of the program, institution, or funding.


The Research Proposal Project will be a formal written Research Proposal (≥ 2,500 to ≤ 3,000 words) accompanied by a formal video presentation (≥ five to ≤ eight minutes).

The assignment is comprehensive and should incorporate concepts and knowledge gained from all of your previous coursework. As well as demonstrate competency in using a comprehensive array of essential research methods appropriate for study of a business-related issue.

Essential Consideration For This Research Proposal

  • The project is a formal research proposal, and the written proposal must follow proper APA formatting.
  • You will not be proceeding to conduct the research.  No one should plan on handing out questionnaires in front of your local big-box store on a Saturday afternoon.
  • Your proposal should be for a research project you would reasonably be able to conduct.
    • The word reasonably meaning that this is a proposal for a research project you would be able to accomplish with limited time and budget constraints.  With that, a worldwide, national, or state-wide study will not be considered reasonable.
  • Likewise, your proposal should not be limited to just surveying members of your Sunday School class or small workgroup. You need to collect enough data that it can inform decisions on your hypothesis/problem.

Research Question

A good research question is essential to guide your research proposal.  It pinpoints exactly what you want to find out and gives your work a clear focus and purpose. All research questions should:

  • Focus on a single problem or issue.
  • Fit into one sentence.
  • Shows that the topic or concept is researchable using primary and/or secondary sources.
  • Show that the topic or concept is feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Be specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to require more than just a yes or no answer.
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Assignment Schedule

Week 5. Submit proposal topic for approval and a DRAFT Research Question for instructor approval.

Week 6. A preliminary DRAFT* of the Introduction chapter.

Week 7. DRAFT* of the topic Literature Review. 

Week 8. The finished Research Proposal, written and video, is due.

*The DRAFT Research Question, the Introduction chapter, and Literature Review are DRAFTS only, not expected to be a polished, finished product.  The purpose of these is to establish that you have begun the process and are moving forward.  The entire assignment is 2,500 to 3,000 words, so I would expect these first submissions to serve as evidence that you are putting serious thought into the project.  

Note: Your instructor’s comments on your DRAFT submissions are on the draft submission only.  These comments should not be taken as predictions of success with the completed assignment.

Assignment Details

The final project submission must be is 2,500 to 3,000 words submitted as an Microsoft Word document (.docx).  The submission must conform to graduate-level expectations concerning APA formatting (7e) and be free of basic grammar and spelling issues (see Project Rubric below).

The proposal should contain at least these elements all APA 7e format:

  • Cover page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Research design
  • Appendix / Reference List

Visit the Purdue University Online Writing Lab for comprehensive information on these elements’ expected content and format.

Assignment Format

Abstract – (Between 100-250 words)

The abstract should introduce your research question and briefly summarize the critical points of the proposal. Very briefly highlighting what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it.


The introduction should expand on the basic ideas that you are wanting to research, and include the following information: 

  • Background information on the proposed problem area and its importance.
  • Description of the issue to be studied.
  • Explanation of your reasons for choosing this topic, and why it is significant to you.
  • Outline of your problem statement and research question(s).

Literature Review

The literature review is a summary of existing research on the topic you chose. Include a discussion of at least five high quality peer-reviewed references related to the research project published in 2016 or later.  The literature review will help you familiarize yourself with other research on related topics and should help you clarify and narrow in on your own research questions. A strong literature review also convinces the reader that your project has a solid foundation in existing knowledge. 

In this section, aim to demonstrate exactly how your project will contribute to conversations on the topic.

  • What are the main theories, methods, debates, and controversies in each of the articles that you reviewed?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of their different approaches?
  • Show how your research fits in: how can you build on, challenge, or synthesize the work of others?

The literature review should briefly introduce and summarize each article before comparing and contrasting the findings, methods, and results between them. This section will likely be the largest in your proposal.

You must use proper APA citations for your literature review. (I know it’s annoying, but it is important!)

Research Design

The research design or methodology section should describe the overall approach and practical steps you will take to answer your research question.  Think, “If I were actually going to do this study, how would I go about it?”

Describe the research method(s) (qualitative or quantitative, or a combination of, descriptive, explanatory, correlation, program evaluation etc.) that you will use to answer your research question.  

  • Will you do qualitative or quantitative research?
  • Is your research design descriptive, correlational, experimental, or quasi-experimental?
  • Will you be collecting original data or work with primary or secondary sources?
  • What is your sample size and sampling methodology
  • Describe the sample that you would generate for your research.  This means that you may include a figure, chart, and/or graph of the sample’s relevant demographic characteristics.  
  • Description of the subjects or participants, who or what are you researching?
  • Describe the methodology used to generate your sample.  Examples include probability vs. non-probability, convenience, quota, etc.
  • The instruments and materials that will be used: survey, audio, video, direct observation?
  • Organization of data or material collected, statistical procedure, tables or figures used, etc.


The written portion of the Final Project will account for 15% of your final grade.  Your best effort is required.  A substantial portion of the Final Project score will be based on compliance with the form of the research paper as described.  The balance of points will be based on the depth and complexity of the research, the statistical analysis proposed, the plan for analysis of results, and insight into potential conclusions.  The Research Proposal Rubric below will be used for the evaluation of your work.


For the graduate term, the complete research proposal must be submitted by 11:59 pm on the last Tuesday of class.  Submissions not posted by the last day of class will not be accepted.  Submission and credit for the final Research Proposal are required for successful completion of the course.   

APA Styling

You do not need to buy a book to assist you with APA style.  There are many reputable websites with good information on APA 7e, grammar, and spelling issues.  These two sites are very good:

Research Proposal
DescriptionStudents will demonstrate basic knowledge of research methods appropriate for the study of Problem Solving and Decision making. The final research project is a written proposal of a quantitative or qualitative study that you would be able to conduct that incorporates all of the elements learned in the various sections of this class.
Levels of Achievement
 Graduate Level WorkEffective, sufficient for the projectLacking in quality and clarityNot clearly addressedNot Graduate Level Work
Topic / Research Question   Weight 20.00%Specific Research Question was superbly addressed; well developed and communicated through the entire paper.Specific Research Question was somewhat addressed; some key elements missing.Specific Research Question was addressed; however, some sections did not address the question  Specific Research Question was mostly not addressed; key sections failed to address it at all.Research Question is missing, or was poorly constructed.
Abstract   Weight 10.00%Abstract succinctly introduced the reader to the contents of the proposal.Abstract was somewhat lacking, possibly too long or did not properly introduce proposal.Abstract did not properly introduce proposal.Abstract was too short and did not properly introduce proposal.Abstract is missing, or very poorly constructed.
Introduction   Weight 10.00%Introduction provided exceptional background and context to the proposal.Introduction provided good background and context to the proposal.Introduction provided little background and context to the proposal.Introduction was present, but did not provided background or contextIntroduction is missing, or very poorly constructed.
Literature Review   Weight 15.00%Min (5) peer-reviewed or reputable sources, ≤five years old; a substantive summary of the pertinent, existing research on the topic organized sensibly, and logically connected to the research question.   Connects the works to what has come before3 to 4 peer-reviewed or reputable sources, ≤five years old; a substantive summary of the pertinent, existing research on the topic organized sensibly, and logically connected to the research question.   Connects the works to what has come before3 to 4 peer-reviewed or reputable sources, ≤five years old; a substantive summary of the pertinent, existing research on the topic NOT organized sensibly, and logically connected to the research question.<3 reputable sources (5 req.), a summary of the pertinent, existing, research on the topic, NOT organized sensibly, and logically connected to the research question.Literature review is missing, or does not present sources in a logical way which tie into the research question.
Research Design   Weight 25.00%Research Design was superbly addressed; well developed and professionally communicated.Research Design was somewhat addressed; a few or several key elements missingResearch Design was addressed; however, lacking in development and clarityResearch Design was mostly not addressed; many key items of this section were mostly missing.Research Design is missing, or very poorly constructed.
APA Formatting, Writing Mechanics, & Grammar   Weight  20.00%Your writing, mechanics, and grammar represent superb graduate-level work. Within the specified length (2,500 to 3,000 words).Your writing, mechanics and grammar is good but a few errors here and there. Within the specified length (2,500 to 3,000 words)Repetition, generally weak or poor organization. Not a good example of formal graduate-level writing. Not within the specified length (2,500 to 3,000 words)Many mechanics and/or grammar issues were observed. Not “a formal research proposal.” Not within the specified length (2,500 to 3,000 words)Sloppy Writing, any Technical, Mechanical or Grammatical errors. Does not meet the expectations of graduate-level writing. 



This proposal explores how small businesses in the retail sector can improve their financial management. The research will focus on identifying common financial mistakes and developing solutions to help these businesses grow. The study aims to provide insights that will support better decision-making and long-term success for small business owners…


Small businesses are the backbone of many economies, yet many struggle due to poor financial management. This research will examine the most common financial mistakes made by small retail businesses and how addressing these mistakes can lead to growth. This topic is important because improving financial practices can help businesses avoid failure and support the economy…

Literature Review:

Several studies highlight that small businesses often face financial challenges due to inadequate bookkeeping, poor budgeting, and a lack of financial planning. For example, Smith (2019) showed that businesses with better financial practices had a higher survival rate. Similarly, Jones (2020) found that separating personal and business finances led to improved cash flow management. These findings suggest that addressing these financial mistakes could have a positive impact on business success…

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