Brand Management

You will be assigned to a group for this paper.

As a group complete the following:


  • Explain the concept of branding
  • Explain how brands seek to create competitive advantage
  • Explain brand equity and brand loyalty as related to creating competitive advantage.


Now, pick a product that you will use as an example, and share the following:

  • Brand Name
  • Describe the brand beyond the brand name
  • How does this brand differentiate itself to create Competitive Advantage?
  • Describe Brand equity and Brand Loyalty as related to this brand and how the brand has grown and sustained Brand Equity over time.
  • Are there any Brand Extensions?  

Use APA format in this 5-7 page paper. In addition, include a title page and a reference page.  Reference your readings, as well as at least five other sources, and provide in-text citations


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