Week 3 Activity – Customer Satisfaction

Question Details

Based upon this week’s readings and the Jon Steinberg presentation, answer the following questions in a 1–2 paragraph response:

This week you examined strategies for identifying the underserved needs of your target audience and using customer benefit ladders to validate the client problem space.

  1. Describe a few of your customer pain points and share a list of the benefits your solutions provide to enhance customer value.
  2. Discuss the importance of identifying your customers’ hierarchy of satisfactions, such as cost, time, value, prestige, ease, functionality, reliability, and accessibility, for maximizing the company’s value proposition.

Related: (Solution) BUS553 Week 3 Discussion – Target Customers

Solution – Week 3 Activity – Customer Satisfaction

Customer Pain Points and Benefits of MarketingReport.com

I am building a product called MarketingReport.com which serves privacy-conscious consumers who want greater transparency and control over their personal information. They are concerned about how companies are using their data. They may be overwhelmed with junk mail or targeted with intrusive online advertising, so they research privacy policies and opt out of data collection. I am trying to determine the best way to address their concerns and provide value.Correct

Some specific customer pain points include: …Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $5

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