Topic 2 Discussion: Nature vs. Nurture

Welcome to our Topic 2 Discussion Board! This is a forum where you can share ideas with a psychology faculty member about the concepts of nature vs. nurture. Please use the prompt below to develop a 1-2 paragraph response. Your post will receive a reply within 2-3 days. 

Regarding the various influences on human development, researchers have identified aspects of development that are impacted by nature (heredity) and/or nurture (environment). In what ways do you feel that heredity/nature has had a strong influence on your development (or the development of others)? In what ways do you feel that the environment/nurture has had a strong influence on your development (or the development of others)? Give at least one example to support your claim in each area, and feel free to use your own experiences AND information from the text as evidence. 


To begin, nature is innate biological factors or genetics. Although nurture can refer to upbringing or life experience more generally. Nature teaches the lessons that I learned as a teenager and the childhood stage to my adulthood which have helped me. I grew up in a strict family environment with my two caring parents and siblings. I remember them always encouraging us to be respectful, responsible and be morally correct in everything we do. We were not allowed to …Please click on the Icon below to purchase the FULL ANSWER at only $5

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