MAT101 Graded Exam 1 – Basic Algebraic Operations

Question 1

Apply the associative property of multiplication.

Correct Answer is p

Question 2

Evaluate the expression for the given values of the variables.

The Correct Answer is 3/8

Question 3

Express the set in interval notation.

The Correct Answer is (-3, ∞)

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Question 4

List the elements of ∩ B.

= {-29, 14, 13, -20, 11, -2} and = {-27, -10, 13, 11}

Question 5 Simplify the expression. Write your answer with positive exponents only.


Question 6 Simplify.


Perform the indicated operation and write the answer in scientific notation.

(1.2 ×106)(3.8 ×107)

Simplify the expression, if possible.


Evaluate the root without using a calculator or note that root is not a real number.


Simplify the expression by using the properties of rational exponents. Write the final answer using positive exponents only.


Add the polynomials and simplify.

(4m4 – 8m3 – 7m) + (4m4 – 7m2 – 5m)

Subtract the polynomials and simplify.

Subtract (-7m3 – 6m – 6) from (-5m3 – 4m – 8).

Write the polynomial in descending order. Then identify the leading coefficient and the degree.

-9x + 7 – 4x6

Factor completely.

12x5 – 27x3

Factor the polynomial by grouping (if possible).

5n2p – 10np – 5n2 + 10n

Factor completely.

5x7/2 – 5252x-7/2

Simplify the expression, if possible.


Add or subtract as indicated and simplify if possible.


Write the expression as a single term, factored completely. Do not rationalize the denominator.


Add or subtract as indicated and simplify if possible.


Related: (Solution) MAT101 Graded Exam 2 Polynomial and Other Equations

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