Week 6 Discussion – Digital Advertising and Customer Engagement

Week 6 Discussion - Digital Advertising and Customer grade scored 25 out of 25

After reviewing this week’s course material and watching this week’s Jon Steinberg video, respond to the following in writing (1–2 paragraphs) or record a video (less than three minutes). Make sure to apply your post to your current or future business:

Please Respond to the following:

  1. Your social platforms are becoming marketplaces that bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate trade. How could you monetize your digital platforms and enhance your e-commerce digital operations?
  2. Which of the following revenue strategies would work best for your digital operations: paid advertising, data collection methods, lead generation, connecting consumers with suppliers, or generating online sales?

All discussion responses can be video or text submissions, this will offer you an opportunity to practice and improve your communication skills. Refer to the following resource for instructions to submit a response video:

Respond to a Peer

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Related: (Solution) BUS543 Week 7 Discussion – Account Management

Solution – Week 6 Discussion – Digital Advertising and Customer Engagement

Given the increasing trend of social platforms transforming into marketplaces, monetizing digital platforms can significantly enhance e-commerce operations. For a business focused on skincare content, like mine, leveraging these platforms can open multiple revenue streams. One effective strategy could be generating online sales directly through integrated shopping features on platforms like Instagram or TikTok. By showcasing skincare routines and before-and-after transformations, I can link products directly to e-commerce platforms, providing a seamless shopping experience for the audience. Another viable strategy is paid advertising, where I could partner with skincare brands to…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the FULL ANSWER at only $5 

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