God’s Economy – Stuff Lust

Read and reflect on the following Bible passages relating to Stuff Lust:

Ecclesiastes 2:23Matthew 6:19-34Luke 19:1-10
Ecclesiastes 5:8-20Mark 10:21-26Acts 4:32-37
Proverbs 11:24-26Luke 9:25I Timothy 6:6-19
Proverbs 23:4-5Luke 16:13-142 Timothy 3:1-2
Proverbs 30:7-9

Paul said the love of money is but the beginning, or the root of, many kinds of evil.  The lives of those who love money and material stuff are characterized by greed, hoarding, and degradation.  I call it Stuff Lust.  Some have accumulated thousands or even millions, and the loss of even a few dollars is traumatic.  Many people love their money so much they refuse to part with it.  They refuse to give to God’s work and even their children.  Their houses are not big enough to hold all of the stuff they have gathered.  The Self-Storage business is flourishing all over North America.

The love of money and the things we accumulate with it can be a form of idol worship, just as surely as the worship of pagan images.  It is not the money that is the problem.  The things we buy are not inherently evil.  The problem may be in the attitudes toward it.  (Burkett, 1994, p. 172; Timmons, 2016).

The Thread – In essay form, answer the following questions, referring to at least three of the specified Bible passages and integrating your thoughts as they relate to Biblical principles:

  • In your view, in what ways do people store up treasures on earth?
  • In what ways do you think we can store up treasures in heaven?
  • How does excessive worry about material possessions affect people?
  • What is the proper attitude to have towards financial and material wealth?
  • What responsibilities do people have in using their wealth?

       (Surdyk, 2002; Timmons, 2018)

Your Thread should be ≥200 and ≤ 300 words.

The Replies – Each reply (x1) must be ≥100 and ≤200 words. 

You are required to write substantive replies to a minimum of one of your classmate’s initial Thread.  In contrast to superficial replies, substantive replies add value to the discussion, enhance learning, and contain references to any new thoughts presented.

The following suggestions will aid you in successfully composing substantive responses:

  • Compare/contrast the findings of others with your experience.
  • Compare how the findings of others have affected your thinking on these biblical principles.
  • Share additional knowledge regarding thoughts on biblical principles.


  • Burkett, L. (1994) The Word On Finances. Moody Press: Chicago
  • Surdyk, L. (Fall, 2002) God’s Economy: Teaching Students Key Biblical Principles. Journal of Biblical Integration In Business. (69-93).
  • Timmons, R. (2016) Adaptation and edit.
  • Timmons (2018) The Crossroads of Business and Faith. Unpublished.

Please make your initial post by 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Saturday. Respond to at least two (2) of your fellow-learners initial posts. It is important to stay engaged on a regular basis. In your initial post, refer to course material and outside sources, including references. Final posts should be completed by 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Tuesday. 

Please see the Discussion Forum Rubric for further details as to how your discussion posts will be graded.

Solution – God’s Economy – Stuff Lust

People store up treasures on earth in many ways, often by accumulating material possessions and wealth. As mentioned in Ecclesiastes 5:10, “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.” This dissatisfaction drives people to seek security and satisfaction through possessions, believing that having more will bring happiness. In today’s world, this is seen in the pursuit of luxury items, expensive homes, and large savings accounts, often accompanied by a constant desire for more. In contrast, storing up treasures in heaven, as Jesus encourages in Matthew 6:19-20,… Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $5

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