God’s Economy – Fairness and Honesty

Read and reflect on the following Bible passages relating to Envy:

Exodus 23:1-4Deuteronomy 1:17Psalm 140:12
Proverbs 2:9Proverbs 3:3-4Proverbs 10:9
Proverbs 19:1Proverbs 19:22Proverbs 22:1
Matthew 18:23-35Mark 4:24Mark 10:19
1 Timothy 3:8Titus 1:7

Our usefulness to God is directly proportional to our fairness and honesty.  We should never allow ourselves to be trapped into anything unethical, immoral, or dishonest, no matter how inviting it seems.  According to God’s Word, honesty means telling the whole truth, regardless of how much it costs.  It means revealing the whole truth, even when it is not necessary.  There are no small lies – only lies; there are no small thefts – only thefts.  (Burkett, 1994, p. 348; Timmons, 2016).

The Thread – In essay form, answer the following questions, referring to at least three of the specified Bible passages and integrating your thoughts as they relate to Biblical principles:

  • Do some deserve to be dealt with more fairly than others? 
  • How do you view the difference between justice and fairness?
  • How are the biblical principles on fairness and honesty relevant to your life or the values in our society today?

(Surdyk, 2002; Timmons, 2016)

Your Thread should be ≥200 and ≤ 300 words.

The Replies – Each reply (x1) must be ≥100 and ≤200 words. 

You are required to write substantive replies to a minimum of one of your classmate’s initial Thread.  In contrast to superficial replies, substantive replies add value to the discussion, enhance learning, and contain references to any new thoughts presented.

The following suggestions will aid you in successfully composing substantive responses:

  • Compare/contrast the findings of others with your experience.
  • Compare how the findings of others have affected your thinking on these biblical principles.
  • Share additional knowledge regarding thoughts on biblical principles.

Burkett, L. (1994) The Word On Finances. Moody Press: Chicago

Surdyk, L. (Fall, 2002) God’s Economy: Teaching Students Key Biblical Principles. Journal of Biblical Integration In Business. (69-93).

Timmons (2016) Adaptation and edit.

Solution – God’s Economy – Fairness and Honesty

In our walk with God, fairness and honesty are essential traits that uphold the core of Christian integrity. When asked if some deserve to be dealt with more fairly than others, the Bible clearly teaches that God shows no favoritism, calling us to apply the same principle (Deuteronomy 1:17). Regardless of social standing, race, or background, fairness should extend to all. Psalm 140:12 reflects God’s protection of the oppressed and the poor, further reinforcing that fairness must be equally distributed, particularly to those vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Justice and fairness are interconnected but not identical. Justice, according to Matthew 18:23-35, addresses what is due—whether punishment or mercy—based on moral and legal obligations…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $5

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