BUS 5413 God’s Economy – Envy

Read and reflect on the following Bible passages relating to Envy:

Exodus 20:17Deuteronomy 5:21Psalm 73:2-3
1 Corinthians 13:4-6Romans 13:10

Envy is the desire to achieve based on observation of other people’s successes.  When we envy, we look at what someone else has and lust over it or become resentful or angry (Burkett, 1994, p. 348).  

The Greek word translated envy means “to burn with zeal.”  Literally, the sense is “to be heated or to boil over with envy, hatred, or anger.”  In the context of 1 Corinthians 13, the idea is that love does not focus on personal desires. It is not eager to increase possessions. God’s type of love is selfless, not selfish (What does the Bible say about envy?, n.d., para 1)(Timmons,2021).

Envy is the opposite of God’s command not to covet (Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21). “Love is the fulfillment of the law” (Romans 13:10).  The one who truly loves will conform to the Ten Commandments, and envy will be excluded.

In God’s Word, the sin of envy is always grouped with malice, deceit, strife, hatefulness, greed, and wickedness.  These have no place in the lives of Christians.  (Burkett, 1994, p. 348; Timmons, 2016).

The Thread – In essay form, answer the following questions, referring to at least three of the specified Bible passages and integrating your thoughts as they relate to Biblical principles:

  • Have you seen or felt envy?
  • My buddy just got a new Harley.  To myself, I thought, “Boy, I would like to have one like that.”  Am I guilty of envy or merely admiration?
  • Do you see something at work that makes you feel envy?
  • What Bible passages speak to you on this?
  • What is the difference between envy and jealously?
  • How are Biblical perspectives on envy relevant to your life or our society?

(Timmons, 2021)

Your Thread should be ≥200 and ≤ 300 words.

The Replies – Each reply (x1) must be ≥100 and ≤200 words. 

You are required to write substantive replies to a minimum of one of your classmate’s initial Thread.  In contrast to superficial replies, substantive replies add value to the discussion, enhance learning, and contain references to any new thoughts presented.

The following suggestions will aid you in successfully composing substantive responses:

  • Compare/contrast the findings of others with your experience.
  • Compare how the findings of others have affected your thinking on these biblical principles.
  • Share additional knowledge regarding thoughts on biblical principles.
  • Burkett, L. (1994) The Word On Finances. Moody Press: Chicago
  • What does the Bible say about envy? (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2017, from https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-envy.html.
  • Timmons, R. (2016) Adaptation and edit.
  • Timmons, R. (2021) 

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Envy is a powerful emotion that leads individuals to desire what others have and feel resentment because of it. The Bible warns against envy, as seen in Exodus 20:17 and Deuteronomy 5:21, where God commands people not to covet their neighbor’s possessions. Envy and coveting arise from dissatisfaction with what God has provided, causing someone to focus on what others possess rather than their own blessings.

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-6, Paul teaches that love is not envious. Love, as described in this passage, is selfless, patient, and kind. It does not seek personal gain or harbor bitterness toward the success of others. This kind of love promotes the well-being of others without fostering envy. When envy enters a person’s heart, it disrupts the love Christians are called to practice. Instead of rejoicing in another’s blessings, envy can lead to feelings of anger or bitterness, which have no place in a life dedicated to love and righteousness……Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $5

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