HSB4U Assignment: Globalization

For your final assignment in the course you will choose a topic relating to globalization and examine its social and cultural impact on developed and developing nations, with special emphasis placed on how it strengthens or weakens global inequalities. You can choose one of the following topics:

  • Literacy
  • Poverty
  • New Technologies
  • Outsourcing
  • Or a different topic of your choice, so long as you confirm with your teacher first

You will write a 1200 to 1500 word research essay on this topic and will need to use primary and secondary sources from at least two of the disciplines studied in this course (psychology, anthropology, sociology). In your essay, also examine Canada’s role, whether it be through policy, past actions, or the work of private citizens or organizations.

To get a better idea of what is expected from you for this assignment, review the rubric in the assignment dropbox. Contact your teacher for clarification of assignment expectations and with questions related to this assignment.

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Solution – HSB4U Assignment: Globalization

Globalization: Poverty

Poverty is a state in which individuals cannot meet their basic needs, such as food, shelter, and water. It is a condition of being in which a person or a community does not have the financial means and requirements to maintain a primary degree of well-being. In other terms, poverty is a condition in which one’s wages from employment are inadequate to fulfill one’s basic human needs. Poverty affects one-fifth of the globe’s population based on various factors such as unemployment, insufficient wages, or benefits, depression, and so on. According to the most recent Census data, over 38.1 million people living in the United States were below the poverty threshold in 2018, 1.5 million individuals less than in 2017. Poverty in developing nations is increasing as a result of globalization. It increases the labor supply from..Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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