HSB4U Assignment: Policy and Prejudice

Research one Canadian policy, past or present, that you feel is an example of sexism, ageism, racism, discrimination against homosexuals, disabled people, or members of a specific religion. This policy can come from any level of government, or you may also search out one that was created by a corporation or other organization. You will write a short report on the issue, and should attempt to focus it on the following:

  • What cultural attitudes influenced this policy?
  • How did (has) this policy negatively affect(ed) a group of people living in Canada?
  • Is this policy still in effect? If not, what factors (changes in cultural attitudes, etc.) led to its removal or change?
  • If the policy no longer exists, is its legacy in any way still negatively impacting people in Canada? Has the recognition of a negative policy led to any positive change?
  • If the policy does still exist, is anything being done to attempt to change it? And what could be done to influence its change?

Your report should be approximately 500-750 words. You will be marked based upon the clarity of your report, knowledge regarding the selected policy and its history, as well as your ability to critically examine its impact and legacy.

To get a better idea of what is expected from you for this assignment, review the rubric in the assignment dropbox. Contact your teacher for clarification of assignment expectations and with questions related to this assignment.

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Solution – HSB4U Assignment: Policy and Prejudice

I spent several hours searching for a Canadian discriminatory policy against people based on their age, color, handicap, and other factors for this study. Canada’s anti-discrimination law states that: “3 (1) For all purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability and conviction for an offense for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.” (Branch, 2021). Our anti-discrimination policy outlines how we prohibit prejudice and protect our workers, customers, and other stakeholders from unpleasant and harmful actions. This policy is compatible with our broader commitment to providing a safe and pleasant workplace for all employees. However, I discovered that there is an optimum age restriction for persons who want to move to Canada from other countries…Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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