HSB4U Assignment: Country Comparison

If you’ve taken anything from the previous pages, it should be that facts don’t exist in isolation; social, cultural and psychological factors weave together to give rise to social trends surrounding the life cycle, fertility, fecundity, and mortality. You’ve seen several mini spotlights on different countries. It is time to put all this information to work in an in-depth, investigative report comparing two countries of your choice.

  1. Choose one high-income country and one low-income country. Choose countries that have not appeared so far in this unit of the course – this is a great opportunity to widen your familiarity with the world.
  2. Research the culture, political situation and geography of the two countries.
  3. Use Google’s public data explorer, and other sources, to gather information about the demographics, fertility trends, life cycle trends, mortality, health care, education and economy of these two countries. Consider where the countries are now, where they came from, and where they are heading.
  4. Write a comparative essay of 1000-1250 words comparing and analyzing the differences between the two countries. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the interconnectedness of the different factors we’ve learned about during this unit, especially your understanding of the social forces that shape trends.

Feel free to add pictures and graphs in your paper.

Length: 1000 – 1250 words

To get a better idea of what is expected from you for this assignment, review the rubric in the assignment dropbox. Contact your teacher for clarification of assignment expectations and with questions related to this assignment.

Solution – Assignment: Country Comparison

I chose Switzerland as the high-income country and Guatemala as a low-income country.
Switzerland is a country whose capital city is Bern, and its judicial headquarters is in Lausanne.
The country’s official language is German. Despite Switzerland’s tiny size and low population,
the country is internationally significant. In contrast, Guatemala is a nation in Central America.
A distinctive feature of Guatemala’s inner uplands is the predominance of Indian civilization,
which separates it from its Central American neighbours. To compare Switzerland and
Guatemala, it’s necessary to have an underlying knowledge of their respective histories and
cultures and the elements that influence their contemporary situation. The values, traditions, and
geography of a nation all have a vital part in establishing its political and economic current
status, which in turn affects education, life expectancy,.. Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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