ASSIGNMENT: Professional Portfolio

The purpose of a professional portfolio is to demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning through
ongoing professional development. The professional portfolio will help you to develop your
understanding of the CLPNA competencies as well as ensuring self-assessment and reflection
throughout your career in nursing. This will ultimately help you transition from a novice to expert
This assignment is a total of 14 marks and contributes 5% toward your total course grade. Instructions
Step 1:

  • Review the competencies from the CLPNA website at
    o NFDN 1002-Check with your Instructor
    o NFDN 2003-Check with your Instructor
    o NFDN 2004-L Competencies for Maternal/Newborn Care
    o NFDN 2005-M Competencies for Pediatrics
    o NFDN 2006-R Competencies for Community Health
    o NFDN 2007-N Competencies for Mental Health and Addiction
  • Pick the specific competency you would like to focus on.
    Step 2:
  • Reflect on the following areas and provide your information for each area on the template
    o Competency: Clearly label the competency letter, number, and subcategory (write out
    the competency).
    o Significant learning experience: Describe ONE significant learning experience in this
    course related to the CLPNA competency you have identified. Provide an example.
    o What you learned: Describe what you learned and how it relates to the competency
    o Proficiency rating: Use the “Proficiency Rating Categories” below to rate your own
    proficiency in the identified CLPNA competency. What did you do to achieve this
    competency and provide evidence to support your rating?
    o Significance of learning: Explain how the identified competency enhanced your
    learning (was meaningful) in this course.
    o Nursing Practice: Describe how you will apply this learning in your current and future
    nursing practice (What are your strengths and what are your future learning needs
    regarding this competency).
    o Follow APA for references and citations, grammar/spelling

Step 3:

  • The learner will upload their professional portfolio to the Moodle assignment drop box on the
    due date specified by your instructor.
  • Submit as a word document only. PDF’s, google docs, Mac files will not be accepted

June 2021

Proficiency Categories:
Excellent: Integrates competency theory with other knowledge, skill and attitudes so that it becomes
seamless/automatic as part of everyday nursing practice.
Good: Understands the competency in theory and in scenarios and nursing practice.
Fair: Understands the competency in theory; unable to apply it to scenarios or nursing practice.
Poor: Does not understand the content related to the competency

Solution – Assignment: Professional Portfolio

Student Name:

Competency: Category Letter, Number and SubcategoryK-1: Surgical Nursing and Interventions K-1-2 : Demonstrate knowledge and ability to provide education to the surgical patient.
Significant Learning Experience: Describe one significant learning experience in this course related to the CLPNA Competency identified. Provide an exampleI had the opportunity of learning how to manage a drain. A patient was brought in with pleural effusion, and a chest tube was inserted to drain the fluid. I learned that the management of the drainage system is very specific. While nurses have a responsibility to care for the system, the patient has specific responsibilities to ensure that the system maintains a constant flow (Miller & Hillman, 2018). The whole system comprises three bottles connected to a tube inserted into the chest on one end. On the other end, a low suction pump was connected. The nurses’ responsibility was to ensure that the tube was consistently patent and that there was no backflow of fluids from one of the bottles.

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