SCM 5000 Distribution 1 Midterm Assignment


  1. Complete this assignment using this file. Save the file “Distribution 1 Mid Term
    Assignment Your Name” prior to submission. Do not alter the font size, type, margins, or
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  2. Upload this file prior to the due date in Blackboard. Safe assign will be used to assist in
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  3. This is an individual assignment. Instances of group collaboration will result in academic
    misconduct for each involved, and at minimum a zero on this assignment.
  4. Use only materials presented in this course (textbook readings, learning modules,
    discussion boards, blackboard videos and live classes). It is not acceptable to use
    external sources in this assignment.
  5. There is no prescribed word limit/length for this assignment. As a guideline, consider a
    1,000 words response a typical median per challenge question. At the post-graduate
    level, you are expected to explain in sufficient detail your response. Your paper is to be
    formatted in a full sentence discussion form, limiting the use of tables or bullet points.
    Your ability to communicate and stay focused is important. Remember to spell and
    grammar check your paper prior to submission. Grammatical and spelling mistakes will
    reduce the overall confidence of your report. Each challenge is worth equal weight.

Challenge 1. The Modes of Transportation
Compare and contrast the modes of transportation against each other. For example, you may
consider their overall capacity to move cargo and/or their relative costs to each other.
Complete response to this challenge will include in-depth comparison of the modes strengths
and weaknesses against each other. The only sources to be used for this discussion are those
found in your textbook, the course site, the course modules, and course discussion boards.

Challenge 2. Transportation Pricing
Explain how pricing for transportation services is developed by carriers in the five modes of
transportation. Be specific to include what factors go into the creation of transportation rates
and include at least one example of a pricing calculations (these are to be original examples,
created entirely by yourself).
Complete responses here will discuss the factors that a transportation provider needs to
consider and then descriptions of the standard forms of pricing that how pricing is created in
each mode including different volume of cargo presented to a carrier (if applicable). The only
sources to be used for this discussion are those found in your textbook, the course site, the
course modules, and course discussion boards.

Challenge 3. Containerization
After graduating Humber’s Supply Chain Post Graduate program, you have been asked to
attend a career fair where prospective students have the chance to speak to recent graduates
of the program. One prospective new student approaches you and mentions that they heard
about freight being containerized in the different modes of transportation and was curious
about the benefits and detriments it provides.
How would you respond to the prospective student?
Complete responses here will describe the primary type of containerization used in each mode
and the benefits and detriments of each. The only sources to be used for this discussion are
those found in your textbook, the course site, the course modules, and course discussion

Challenge 4. Reflection on Transportation
Reflect on your experience in this class for the first half of this course, specifically on the topic
of transportation and your own individual experience and learnings. Complete responses here
will consider the outcome of your experience in this course (so far) in a critical reflection. A
reflection is purposeful contemplation of your own individual experience and connection to the

Solution – SCM 5000 Distribution 1 Midterm Assignment

Challenge 1. The Modes of Transportation

Compare and contrast the modes of transportation against each other. For example, you may consider their overall capacity to move cargo and their relative costs to each other.

A complete response to this challenge will include an in-depth comparison of the modes’ strengths and weaknesses against each other. The only sources to be used for this discussion are those found in your textbook, the course site, the course modules, and course discussion boards.

Within the realm of logistics, many modes of transportation might be used. In addition to vehicle carriers and railways, there are others such as pipelines, air transport, water transport, and multimodal transport. However, all of them come with their own set of benefits and drawbacks. These are highlighted, examined, and contrasted in-depth in the following paragraphs.

The comparative capacity and costs associated with transporting goods through various means of transportation differ significantly. The first cost associated with transportation entails the Initial cost, while the second kind of cost is either maintenance or operating expenses. Because there is a need to establish Infrastructure for trains, such as rail roads and terminals, an initial investment is relatively high. The same goes for other modes such as rail, water, air, and pipeline transportation. After everything has been put in place, the ongoing costs will be highly manageable. The quantity of cargo delivered in a single trip offsets the high cost associated with water transport. This effectively makes the operating price relatively low. For this reason, many bulky trade goods are transported through waterways. Additionally, water transport is the most common mode of transportation for large-scale trade. Water transport is essentially one of the earliest forms of transport that have been utilized over time. On the other hand, road transportation requires the lowest initial investment. This is because all that is needed is an investment in acquiring a well-maintained and viable truck. However, on the flip side, one incurs many running costs …Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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