Family Research Article Summary

For this assignment you are required to prepare a summary of a research article that has been published in an academic journal. You are free to choose research on any topic that is related to families.
Journal of Family Issues, Family Relations, and Journal of Marriage and Family are journals that are commonly used to report on research in the field of family studies. These journals are available online.
The limitation on your choice of articles is that the article must have been published in the last five years. You must remember that it can take some time to learn how to search for an article.
The summary of the research article should be brief (maximum of one typed, double- spaced page using 12-point font and one-inch margins) and should contain the following components:
Bibliographic Information:
Purpose and theoretical orientation:
Data analysis:
Full bibliographic information should be presented at the top of the page. This information should be displayed in APA (7the edition) format. The bibliographic information can be single-spaced, but the summary must be double-spaced.
What was the purpose of the study? What was the researcher(s) trying to find out? Note: In some research, several very specific hypotheses are tested. You do not need to include a lengthy list of hypotheses; just state the general purpose of the study. Was the theoretical perspective used by the
researchers identified? If so, what was it? If no theoretical perspective was identified, you must state this.
What methods were used to collect the data for this study? For example, was a survey used? Were in-depth interviews used? Was it an experiment? Was it secondary analysis (analyzing data collected in a different study)? From whom was information collected? For example, was a random sample of households in Canada used? Were employed women surveyed? Were men who choose to be “househusbands” interviewed? How large was the sample?
How were the data analyzed? Was qualitative analysis that generated themes and categories used? Was quantitative analysis using statistical procedures applied? Note: Students are not expected to have a sophisticated knowledge of statistical analysis techniques. It is fine to just report that “statistical procedures were used in the data analysis”.
What were the general findings/conclusions of the study? Note: If the research article includes several hypotheses, you do not need to discuss whether or not support was found for each of them. Look for general findings.

Solution – Family Research Article Summary

Bibliographic Information

Thomson, K., Jenkins, E., Gill, R., Richardson, C., Gagné Petteni, M., McAuliffe, C., & Gadermann, A. (2021). Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Family Mental Health in Canada: Findings from a Multi-Round Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(22), 12080.


The nationally representative survey investigates how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the mental health of parents and children. It also explored which groups were primarily affected, how parent-child interactions have changed and factors that support mental health in family contexts. However, the study concerns are driven by crucial research literature regarding mental health in the Canadian population during the pandemic. For instance, the researchers point out the dramatic surge of national helpline calls for young people, with up to 48% calling about social isolation and 42% increase in calls about anxiety and stress and a 28% increasing calls about abuse. The research findings help establish the study’s aims in exploring mental health outcomes during the post-pandemic period. 

Methods The study focuses mainly on data from a cross-sectional survey representing a collaboration between academic researchers from the University of British Columbia, the Canadian Mental Health Association and the Mental Health Foundation (UK). Data were collected during two weeks,,, Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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