Week 9 Discussion: Health Care Policies

Step 1: Consider a problem related to health that impacts society that is important to address. Why do you believe this problem is important to society in general? Use data to explain your reasons. Outline a policy recommendation to address this problem, Why do you suppose that this policy would be successful in addressing the problem? What impact in health outcomes do you expect to see if the policy is enacted?

 Include in-text citation and references in apa form


One significant health problem impacting society is the raising prevalence of mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety. This problem is important to address because it affects a large portion of the population, leading to decreased quality of life, reduced productivity, and increased healthcare costs. Mental health issues can also contribute to other societal problems, such as substance use, homelessness, and even suicide.

To address this problem, I recommend implementing a comprehensive national mental health strategy that includes increased funding for mental health services, mental health education and awareness campaigns, integration of mental health into primary care, support for research and innovation, and workplace mental health programs. Providing sufficient funding for mental health is essential for creating effective mental health systems providing enough staff to deliver services and support to meet people’s needs (World Health Organization, 2021). This may include funding for community mental health centers, crisis intervention teams, and telehealth services. Launching nationwide campaigns to educate the public about mental health can reduce stigma and encourage individuals to seek treatment. According to Shim et al. (2022), awareness campaigns are an excellent way to help lessen the stigma surrounding mental health. These campaigns could target schools, workplaces, and communities. It is important to learn how to lessen stigma among healthcare providers, especially now that there is a global effort to include mental health services in primary care across both wealthy and developing countries (Kohrt et al., 2020). Training primary care providers to recognize and treat mental health conditions can integrate mental health into primary care… Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $5

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