NURS 6053 Module 1 Week 2 Assignment

Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

Develop a 2 to 3 page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization. Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization).
  • Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.
  • Summarize the strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples.

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Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue: The Nursing Shortage and Its Impact


The national healthcare issue we are currently facing is the widespread nursing shortage. This problem has significant repercussions on healthcare organizations across the country, including our own. The scarcity of nursing professionals is exacerbated by factors such as an aging workforce, high turnover rates, and increased demand for healthcare services (Buerhaus, Skinner, Auerbach, & Staiger, 2017). Addressing this issue is crucial to maintaining the quality of care and ensuring patient safety.

The Impact of the Nursing Shortage on Our Organization

In our organization, the nursing shortage has had a profound impact on staffing, patient care, and overall efficiency. We have experienced increased nurse-to-patient ratios, leading to higher workloads for the existing staff, which contributes to burnout and lower job satisfaction (Kovner, Brewer, Wu, Cheng, & Suzuki, 2014). Organizational data indicates a turnover rate of 18%, and we have been operating with a vacancy rate of 12% in our nursing department over the last year. This shortage not only increases operational costs due to overtime and… Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $10

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