MBA 5310 Discussion 2: 300 words with 2 references

As we study human resources, it is important to appreciate that local practices and cultural boundaries could alter the definition, perception, and actualization of this discipline in different countries.

Identify a specific concept with implications related to human resources–such as immigration, diversity, ethics, sexual harassment, recruitment and selection, compensation, or privacy–and compare how the concept is perceived in the United States with how it is perceived in at least one other country.

This is a great time to reveal your personal experiences with other cultures. However, your responses should also be supported with evidence from Nelson and Quick (2019), module readings, or additional scholarly sources as needed. Then respond to at least two classmates. As business scholars, our discussion of this topic should focus on the research and the policies, rather politics or opinions.


One important human resources concept with significant implications globally is diversity management. In the United States, diversity in the workplace is a well-established principle, deeply rooted in laws such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) regulations. Diversity management in the U.S. encompasses policies aimed at ensuring fair treatment, equal opportunity, and an inclusive environment for employees of all backgrounds, including race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and more. Companies actively pursue diversity as a strategic initiative, recognizing its value in… Please click on the Icon below to purchase the full answer at only $5

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