Monthly Cash Budget

Sales for Blue Bill Corporation are projected as follows for the months of June through November:


Credit sales account for 70% of the monthly sales and are collected one month after the sale.
Other receipts for October are $50,000.
Variable disbursements are 60% of sales each month.
Fixed disbursements are $10,000 each month.
$80,000 should be included in August for taxes.
The company is obligated to make a $400,000 debt repayment in November.
Beginning cash in June is $50,000.
Desired ending cash each month is $10,000.

Complete the monthly cash budget for Blue Bill Corporation for June through November.

Blue Bill Corporation
Cash Budget
Cash sales 
Other Receipts      
Total cash receipts 
Variable disbursements 
Fixed disbursements 
Other disbursements      
Total cash disbursements 
Net change during the month 
Beginning cash 
Ending cash 
Required cash      
Excess cash to invest 
Cash borrowed      

See also: Solved Questions

Step by Step Solution Cash Budget

Here is the cash budget.

Blue Bill Corporation
Cash Budget
Cash sales xx xx xx xx xx xx
Collections xx xx xx xx xx xx
Other Receipts xx xx xx xx xx xx
Total cash receipts                 –                 –                 –                 –                 –                 –
Variable disbursements xx xx xx xx xx xx
Fixed disbursements xx xx xx xx xx xx
Other disbursements xx xx xx xx xx xx
Total cash disbursements                 –                 –                 –                 –                 –                 –
Net change during the month              –              –              –              –              –              –
Beginning cash xx xx xx xx xx xx
Ending cash xx xx xx xx xx xx
Required cash xx xx xx xx xx xx
Excess cash to invest xx xx xx xx xx xx
Cash borrowed xx xx xx xx xx xx

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